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Cat on a Vegatarian Diet


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If you do a search, you'll find a few threads discussing cats and vegan diets here that go on for a pretty good length with plenty of debate on both sides


I sell vegan cat food and know of many, many cats that have been vegan and healthy for years. Some people insist it can't be done, but the evidence proves otherwise (if it weren't possible, how would there be companies who have had excellent reputations for quality vegan cat food who have been in business for 20 years each?). However, I take a neutral stance and neither promote nor discourage anyone from having their cats go vegan - it is a personal choice, and to me, so long as the cat's health and happiness is top priority, I don't see a problem with it. But, for people who do it only out of their own guilt and don't consider the needs of the cat first and foremost, it's not the greatest reason to go that route.


And, the one thing that is always possible that people seem to forget, a cat doesn't have to be all-or-nothing for a vegan diet. Plenty of people have cats that eat a partially vegan diet of maybe 25-75% vegan and the rest from meat-based foods, so for those who don't want to have a cat go fully vegan but want to reduce dependancy on meat-based brands, that's always an option as well. Our cats have medical conditions that prevent them from being able to go fully vegan, but they get all their dry kibble from the vegan Ami brand food and have done well on it for 50% of their diet. Every cat is different, so each one must be treated on a case-by-case basis for determining the best diet.


Hope this helps!

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I imagine with a dog it wouled be easier.


Considering dogs will eat their own poop for fun, it certainly is much easier to have a dog on a vegan diet without any worries

..........that plus they're naturally omnivores like us. Besides knowing my little Jack Russel mix Mackie he loves vegetables. He was gaining weight so we started to give him carrots, celery, apple slices, and green beans. However the vegetables wouldn't be enough to feed him and get all his nutrients.

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I'm studying to be a Veterinarian, and I get a LOT of questions on this. The basic answer is this:

Get a urine test for your animal. Especially with male cats, the biggest concern for a vegan diet is that it will be too mineral-rich, and the minerals can crystallize since cats are inherently dehydrated all the time (evolved to be desert animals and drink very little water.) If your vet says there's no sedimentation, you're probably okay to ease them into it.

Also, this is not for diabetic animals, they can't get their blood sugar the way it needs to be on a purely vegan diet.

*disclaimer* I am not a veterinary professional (yet) so be sure to check with your vet for your own animals individual needs before dramatically changing their diet.

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