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Newbie vegan and member


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Hi all,


I posted earlier this morning, but still don't see it yet. Sorry if this is a double post. I've been looking around for a while now and decided to join. Seems like some good folks on here. My wife and I have opted to become vegan for ethical reasons (health is a plus too!). I've been lifting for around 10 years now. In the last few years I have tried to focus more on enjoying fitness and less on just increasing my muscle size. Ironically, that change in focus has helped me to gain muscle and strength. I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3+ times a week and do straight weight lifting or a P90X or crossfit workout on the other days. My eating habits have always been good, but full of meat, milk, eggs, etc. I have normally stuck to a 40% carb, 30% protein, and 30% fat combo. I was a vegetarian for about a year (3 years ago), but threw in the towel when I started loosing too much weight. I have only been making the transition to vegan for 10 days now and have already lost 6 lbs. This is great for now since I am currently cutting weight for a Jiu Jitsu tournament, but at 6' and a pretty lean 180 lbs... I don't want to loose much more.


At any rate, I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody and learning more.




Justin (Jacks)

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I tell the same thing to everyone: Keep eating food LOADED with protein and good fats, such as nuts, seeds, textured soy products (fried with oil) and loads of full grains, beans, lentils and such. That way you won't lose any weight, and you can easily increase your muscle mass! At least if you're getting more than 3000 kcals a day.


But hey, welcome to the forum!

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Thanks for the welcome all. I'm reading Becoming Vegan right now and still browsing the forum for info. Little bit of information overload right now, but I'll get there.


Hope your shoulder heals up quick MaryStella.



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