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My name is Lee. Live in SE portland. A few days ago I came across the video "Meet your Meat" on VodPod and it drove home what I already actually knew. At various times I have heard about; read about the abuses in the meat industry. But it never sank in enough or should I say: conquered the indoctrinated need for meat in my life. I had a hard time watching all of that and going to sleep that night.


I am not going to kid myself and say I do not like the taste of meat...that will only sabotage my change. Even though I enjoyed eating meat...as soon as I saw this video and REALLY had to face the cruel things being done to animals; by humans and in MY name(as a consumer of meat I was giving them permission!) I realized that the shame and I felt inside eclipsed the taste of meat. I knew and know I can never eat meat again from the corporate meat industry without offending both compassion and the deeper understanding I now have. We as humans just DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to put living; feeling beings through that...for our next meal!


Nor am I kidding myself that making such a foundational change and mental challenge of changing my diet will yet be easy. I know that many give up because of the logistics and social pressures of this kind of change. The best way I can head that off is to make connection with those who can help me do it right and share the support. I believe in this cause more than 100% now. I know I can trade what I now know...for a full stomach anytime; satiate my appetite in the irresponsible way. I have only gone three days so far with NO meat or even eggs or milk...things I had EVERYDAY before. and I have NO support system at all yet. I do not know ANY vegetarians or vegans. I hope to learn how to do this right...so that my physical change can honor my mental and even spiritual change regarding industrialized meat/dairy.


I just bought a few packs of Tofu yesterday and then saw a guy on Youtube listing off all the things that are bad about tofu! Look forward to any assistance you may offer navigating the maze of what is healthy and not...as I am very sincere. I just NEVER want to be in the position of knowing that I am part of the consumer ignorance(or out and out lack of care or compassion often)that drives the meat industry. I don't want to be ashamed like I was when I saw that video, ever again. Those images are with me to stay.


I'm investigating as much as I can even now(how I found this website...even better, in my own town!) so please feel free to hit me up about anything at anytime. Appreciate it.


Oh yeah...I used to work out and was quite strong(never big). I know that I will feel better(already do in my heart!)but I understand the importance of health and strength. I'd like to go that way again(healthy but would like to renew my strength efforts/challenges to go with my new eating commitment). It feels GOOD to be strong and in shape! I have let it slip but I remember...and it calls me back. thanks again.

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A bunch of us are here in Portland and it is where this company is based. We do a lot of stuff around here so keep your eyes on the Portland, OR section at the bottom of the forum.


This very weekend we have an Animal Rights Conference going on at PSU. www.letlivefoundation.org


I'll be there all weekend.


Check it out if you get a chance.


Welcome aboard!

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Welcome buddy.Your story really touched me.


I too, thought the change to veganism would be hard, although I had the advantage of being vegeterian for many years before hand.


But you know what? It really isnt as hard as you dread.Infact, I found it so easy, that it took me by surprise! There are 2 main obstacles that I faced, and still face a year after going vegan.


1.Peoples questioning veganism - this I find much easier to deal with now, after a year of defending myself.The research of a few guys on here shows that infact veganism is the humans natural diet, and is infact healthier.Aswell as more compassionate.Its also better for the environment.The key to when people question you is to hold firm to what we all know - that there is no justification for killing another living creature, unless that creature is threatening your life (self defense) or in the rare scenario where meat is the only food available to survive (plane crash over the antarctic?)


2.Eating out - as a vegan, whenever I go out to anywhere, whether public, or friends events, or work events, there is 99% of the time no food for a vegan.Vege's have it a little easier, but not much.Also, can be a pain on holidays sometimes.There is however, a ray of light.Nuts & fruit.I carry a bag of 200 grams of nuts everywhere I go, in my pocket.There are 1200 calories in that bag, lots of fats, and proteins.If needs be, I can always fill up on them.Fruit too is great.Now I dont carry fruit around with me (that would be messy in the pockets!) but you can find it almost anywhere.Bananas, apples, pears etc.When I go away on holiday, I live mainly on fruit.


You have come to the right place here buddy.Robert, who founded this forum, gave me the strength and belief to be vegan, & you will find that same strength here too.


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