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Possibly Delicate question that bothers me.

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I noticed many in the thread asking where is the "protein." I wanted to share this:


I did this analysis a while back:


Food Calories Protein Protein Calories % Of Calories Fat

Lemons 61 2 8 13.11%

Peaches 66 2 8 12.12%

Cherries 77 2 8 10.39%

Oranges 81 2 8 9.88%

Watermelon 46 1 4 8.70%

Graqpefruit 97 2 8 8.25%

Strawberries 49 1 4 8.16%

Grapes 62 1 4 6.45%

Banana 200 2 8 4.00%

Apple 65 0 0 0.00%




Sorry it did not parse well.


The point is that most common fruit has between 5 to 15% of its calories from protein. Apple is only common fruit that I found to have no measurable protein.


So eating only fruit would easily satisfy macronutrient protein needs.

Edited by 9nines
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Actually those posters seemed pretty open minded. Want a laugh: go here




This web site will prove the most healthy diet is:


70% total fat on a calorie basis

31% saturated fat

7% polyunsaturated fat

25% monounsaturated fat

27% protein

3% carbohydrates (20 gm of which 3 gm or less is fiber).


Some people think the body needs carbohydrates, but that is not the case. The body is made, healed and maintained entirely by the protein and fat in the diet. The daily requirement for carbohydrate is ZERO.




Exercise Can Kill You


Exercise is not the panacea to awesome health as nearly everyone claims. Almost universally health and diet books rave on and on about the importance of exercise. No book can be listed here as a reference that says anything critical of exercise. Science and actual results tell a far different story, proving that exercise can lead to numerous diseases - several that will bring an early death.



Exercise does not make obese people thin and never did. It has all been a big fat lie.


#Don't eat carbohydrates for energy because it causes metabolic syndrome.


http://www.biblelife.org/animal_rights.htm A little ways down you will find: Are Vegetarian Diets Worse Than Terrorists? then:


The Bible Condemns Abstaining From Eating Meats. The Bible describes those who recommend abstaining from eating meats as extremely evil. They are teaching doctrines of devils with lies and hypocrisy. The same is said about those who are against marriage.


Vegans suffer from their diet by failure to thrive at best. They appear sickly with gray skin tone, weak muscle tone and weak immune systems.


Vegan Males Become Wussies. The vegan diet wipes out the hormonal system in males. Their testosterone level plunges. The sperm count plunges, and the can't get it up, erectile dysfunction (ED). They become impotent sissies. This is the reason vegan males become submissive to females and become homosexual.


Sorry women are not off the hook eaither: Vegan Females Become Infertile


The vegan diet has a devastating effect on the hormones in the female as well. She soon looses her sex drive and fails to achieve an orgasm. She may drift into a lesbian relationship thinking her lack of arousal indicates she is gay when in reality it was caused by the deficient vegan diet





Other things this sites states:


(1) God hates vegetarians and will punish them severely;

(2) If you do not hate vegetarians, God will hate you too;

(3) If you do not eat meat you will die within weeks (therefore all vegetarians are liars and eat meat when no one is looking.)


Note: This guy is serious; it is not a paraody site or anything.


Thinking about it, that site's host would likely view this site as the most evil possible site there could be (not eating meat is evil and exercise is evil.)


What is sad is this guy has a ministry and there are probably a lot of people that believe and follow him.

Edited by 9nines
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Actually those posters seemed pretty open minded. Want a laugh: go here




This web site will prove the most healthy diet is:


70% total fat on a calorie basis

31% saturated fat

7% polyunsaturated fat

25% monounsaturated fat

27% protein

3% carbohydrates (20 gm of which 3 gm or less is fiber).


Well, at least he and his followers won't be around long!!


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Actually those posters seemed pretty open minded. Want a laugh: go here




This web site will prove the most healthy diet is:


70% total fat on a calorie basis

31% saturated fat

7% polyunsaturated fat

25% monounsaturated fat

27% protein

3% carbohydrates (20 gm of which 3 gm or less is fiber).


Well, at least he and his followers won't be around long!!



Yeah. Did you catch the fiber recommendations. Eating 3 grams or less of fiber, I guess he edits his website, while sitting on a toilet.


Seriously, could you imagine how you would feel, if you ate that way. My skin feels oily just imagining how bad a person, tha ate that way, would look. I am going to go wash my face.

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Yeah. Did you catch the fiber recommendations. Eating 3 grams or less of fiber, I guess he edits his website, while sitting on a toilet.


Seriously, could you imagine how you would feel, if you ate that way. My skin feels oily just imagining how bad a person, tha ate that way, would look. I am going to go wash my face.


Maybe they'll turn up in the Guiness Book of Records, under "longest time constipated."?

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The only way to prove it would be to have a medical examination. Some vegan bodybuilder or weight trainer could challenge this bloke. They could each hand over money to have the vegan tested to see if he has eaten any animal products in recent years or taken any steroids. A referee could hold the money and use half of it to pay for the tests. The person who loses the challenge wouldn't get their money back. I know that blood tests can show if one has been eating animal products. I'm not sure how far back they can look, though.


I don't think it would be worth the bother - those sceptical meatheads would probably denounce the validity of the tests. As others have said, it's best to get on with your own life, doing what you know is right, without being concerned for the opinions or beliefs of doubters.

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