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My Book Interview for VB.com


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Robert Cheeke Book interview for http://www.veganbodybuilding.com



Vegan Bodybuilder Robert Cheeke answers questions about his NEW Book Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness – The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet.



Q. What makes this book unique and what makes it different than the http://www.veganbodybuilding.com website that is full of content already?


A. The book is unique because I've taken everything I've learned over the past 10 years as a vegan bodybuilder and put it all in this somewhat concise book telling my story. I don't just tell my story of going from a skinny farm boy to the world's most recognized vegan bodybuilder, but I provide a lot of insight about a wide variety of topics that don't often get covered on http://www.veganbodybuilding.com, namely, personal development topics. I learned a long time ago how to get people super pumped about life and to get them to care about meaningful things in their lives and work hard to achieve them. That is the only way I made it anywhere as a bodybuilder. I worked like crazy and I explain the approaches that I took in order to ensure success even when it looked like success wouldn't ever come based on my ambitions.


The http://www.veganbodybuilding.com website is a great resource and we have an awesome community of active members on our online forum. The vegan athlete community forum is a platform for anyone to write anything they want about pretty much any topic. My book is focused directly on what I believe are the most important aspects of the vegan fitness lifestyle. I spent about a year working writing it and I'm excited to have it available now for pre-order.



Q. What do you hope to accomplish with this book?


A. Without trying to sound cocky, I'll say write up front that I don't “hope” for things. I take deliberate actions, work my face off, and make accomplishments happen. My plan for this book is multifaceted, and involves a few key themes.


1.My plan is to get people to start thinking differently about animals and about food. If we can think differently we can alter our behavior, start to care more and make a greater impact on others around us, thus having a more significant positive influence on our planet too.

2.Another plan is to have this Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness book act as a gateway book for my other books to follow in it's success. I will make this book a self-published best-seller, get it picked up by one of the top New York publishers and then present them with the other two completed 300-page books that I wrote and sign a major book deal. I have already completed three books and have started three others and the opportunity for a big book deal reaching millions of people with my inspirational messages is very realistic and even if it weren't realistic, it wouldn't stop me anyway.

3.I plan to make a pretty big impact environmentally and I'm super pumped to see the positive influence this book will create.



Q. What is your favorite part of the book?


A. It's probably no surprise, but my favorite part of the book is the chapter that I get to write about turning your passion into your career. That chapter just means the most to me because that is what I have done with my life and it was literally a lifetime in the making. I worked extremely hard since I was a kid to accomplish specific visions I had for myself to get to the point where I am now and have my own book, my own book tour and unlimited opportunities in front of me. That is my favorite part of the book and my passion comes through in my writing and is not to be missed.



Q. What are you most looking forward to with your book tour? Any specific places or events you hope to see while you're out on tour?


A. I've been touring for years with my documentary and my motivational messages, but I am especially excited about my upcoming book tour. I'm so pumped about it! There are a ton of places I'm excited to visit including New York City, Austin TX, San Diego CA, the state of Ohio, the United Kingdom and lots of other places along the way. Basically, I'm following the enthusiasm of those interested in my book and having me come and speak. The places I mentioned have been some of the most enthusiastic cities about my upcoming tour and I'm greatly looking forward to raising the roof off of any location I get to speak at. Some cities I've visited recently that I can't wait to go back to are Boston MA, Salt Lake City UT, and Tucson, AZ. Washington D.C. And Los Angles are some of my favorite places to speak and I imagine those cities will have some of the biggest turn-outs and most supporters.



Q. Are there things you reveal in the book that others may not know about you?


A. I am very transparent and with me there isn't much that is hidden. But even though I put all my cards on the table all the time and let everyone see me for who I am, there are some things about my background and bodybuilding experiences that few people have every heard from me before.



Q. Is there anything else you would like to share?


A. I am very grateful that people are interested in the topics I write about. If there wasn't an audience I'd write anyway because it is what I love to do the most, but since there is an audience and a loyal supporting cast, I just want to take the opportunity to say “thank you!”



For more information about Robert's Book Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness – The Complete Guide to Building Your Body on a Plant-Based Diet, please visit http://www.veganbodybuildingbook.com.


If you are interested in having Robert speak at your event or to your group or in your community please email Robert directly at [email protected]










PRE-ORDER on www.veganbodybuildingbook.com


Thanks so much!

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