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Iowan Powerlifter


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Hi everyone. My name is Adena. I'm 29 years old and I have been vegan for seven years. I flirted with powerlifting about two years ago and then lost my job and couldn't afford a gym membership anymore, then recently at my new job I got fitness reimbursement so I could once again afford a gym. Aaaanyway...I'm definitely a beginner at this powerlifting thing, but it has been fun and rewarding so far. I'm currently making noob gains, but I recently passed my short term goal of being able to squat and deadlift over my bodyweight. Hopefully sometime soon my bench will get better.


I'm trying to do this on a much healtheir, more natural diet these days. Even though it's more expensive, I've been buying only organic food for quite a while. Here's a typical example of my daily diet:


Breakfast: oatmeal with applesauce, bananas, blueberries and maybe a little soymilk; green tea

Snack: almonds and carrot sticks

Lunch: lentil stew with yams, coconut milk, curry, ginger, and all that good stuff; broccoli

Snack: toast with peanut butter

Supper: chickpea and spinach stir fry over brown rice; rooibos tea


I'm trying to have sugar and coffee only on the weekends for now. I miss it, but it hasn't been that bad. Also, I know I don't eat much for a powerlifter, but I only weigh 124 and I'm 5'1" soooo.. yeah. Definitely a beginner. I shudder to think how much I'll be spending on groceries when I put on some weight!

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When I spend more on groceries I like to tell myself I am investing in my future health. Rather than spend my money on other things (clothes, movies, whatever) that are short-term, I'm spending it on something that will be with me for the rest of my life (my body).


I gave up coffee a couple of years ago and it can be tough! Hang in there!

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Thanks, guys!


One other thing that helps if you just miss the taste of coffee is Teeccino, but it's really expensive. So for now, I just have green tea in the mornings and coffee on the weekends. I figure two days out of seven isn't too bad.


So I forgot to post a little bit about what my training schedule looks like. Right now I'm doing Jim Wendler's 5 / 3 / 1. You can read more about that here: http://www.tmuscle.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/how_to_build_pure_strength


Before that I did Bill Starr's 5x5, which I can't find an article to explain, but it's basically a good beginner program, with lots of emphasis on the key compound lifts: bench press, squats, and deadlifts. A lot of repetition helps you to get your form where it should be.

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When I spend more on groceries I like to tell myself I am investing in my future health. Rather than spend my money on other things (clothes, movies, whatever) that are short-term, I'm spending it on something that will be with me for the rest of my life (my body).


I gave up coffee a couple of years ago and it can be tough! Hang in there!


Do you post on the ppk? I recognize that screen name!

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