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Vegan Vacation Update on 6/1/06


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Yeah Alex, these will be the dates. I know it doesn't work for "everyone" but trust me, it was impossible to fit everyone's schedule.


So the MAIN week will be August 3-9 but people can arrive earlier and stay later, and travel around afterwards and all that kind of stuff. We are getting more and more members all the time so there are always people we could probably stay with, if our trip gets extended and we start to run out of money and can't pay for the beach house.


I've been doing some research and found that many of them are about $2000-$3000 a week, but if I'm doing the math correctly, if there are about 10 of us, that is less than $50 per day. Even if it says "sleeps 7" we can always have room for more of course. I don't need a bed, just floor space and I'm cool.


So yes, these will be the final dates, if people can make it, great! If not, there will be many other meet-ups in the future (including possibly in Germany next year!).


Thanks for your interest. I know Me, You, and Nat are in, and many others have expressed some sort of interest. As long as we can get about 10, the cost of the beach house should be pretty affordable. I can always look for cheaper ones too, like around $1000-$1500 a week.


I will continue to recruit forum members as I've been doing for a long time, now, especially in the L.A. area, so we'll have some hometown vegan friends to show us around!


See you in 6 months Big Dawg!



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  • 4 weeks later...

We are getting more and more members from the L.A. area to join the forum and I'm meeting a bunch of others from other forums and from myspace.


Anyone else plan on joining us in August?


I hope some of you can make it. If not, Compassionategirl and I will just hang out with the L.A. vegan crowd

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Oh, man, this would be cool. Just saw the thread for the first time. I have a wife and 2 year old son, so bummin' it in the beach house may not work out with the little guy yet. But if you are doing a big vegan meet/dinner/party thing-a-ma-jig, we'd love to make a trip to do that and meet everyone...


Next year: Santa Cruz!...it's mid-way along the Pacific coast, and where I live of course! The #6 Vegetarian-friendly small town in the nation! Lots of great veggie stores here and great restaurants.

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Yeah, sometimes I feel that things that are "sticky" get missed, so I might take it off that soon.


We have about 4 different threads for the Vegan Vacation so I used this one as a sticky since it was the most up to date.


Yeah, we will have all kinds of things going on, not just hanging out at a beach house. That will just be where we stay. Check out the thread for list fo things we'll be doing.


We don't have a real specific itinerary, we're just going to have a few scheduled things where other vegans from the L.A. area can join us and other than that, we'll just be going with the flow.


Look forward to seeing you



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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Tyler,


Thanks man, but we just had to change the location. There were scheduling and planning difficulties so I swithed it to Portland to save a lot of money and to make it easier to plan out.


Here is what I posted in a NEW thread:


Vegan Vacation Update! New Location!


Since the summer is almost here or pretty much here, I need to give an update for our Vegan Vacation. The dates remain the same, August 3-9, but the location has changed as you'll read below.


As many of you know the Vegan Vacation was inspired by the the group over at VF.net who have yearly meet-ups. My former roommate Topher went over to the UK last year and had a great time and helped me decide to offer something like that here in the US. Basically it is a gathering of the forum members to hang out and meet in person.


So I planned the Vegan Vacation for those vegans on this side of the world who may only have to make a short flight or drive to come hang out with us.


Our location was decided on many months ago and it was Los Angeles, California. It proved to be too difficult for me to plan since I'm not a resident of CA and I'm not real familiar with the area.


Therefore, I moved the location to Portland, Oregon. That is where I'll be living, which will make it very easy for me to plan and also pretty much FREE for anyone who can get themselves here. I will provide the places for guests to stay and I'll provide most of the food/entertainment, so little will be needed.....just book a flight and we'll even help you out with part of that payment as I initially promised.


Why Portland?


I'll be living there in 4 weeks and it will make it the easiest and most cost-effective destination to plan it all out and have our Vacation


Portland is the #1 Vegan Friendly City in America


Portland is one of the most beautiful and clean cities in America


Portland is one of the fittest cities in America with all kinds of outdoor activities during the beautiful summer for athletes to take part in


Portland is only an hour from the Pacific Ocean so we can still "hang out on the beach"


Portland has more vegan and vegetarian restaurants per capita than pretty much anywhere


Portland actually has vegan soft serve ice cream that comes out of the machines (kinda like a Dairy Queen, but vegan)


There are already nearly 10 forum members in or around Portland so we are sure to have a nice turnout and lots of local tour guides


There may be special guests attending such as artists from our movie soundtrack and some of the people featured in Vegan Fitness Built Naturally


Portland has a few other attractions such as being located near Mt. Hood, Seattle, and rose gardens, rivers, mountains, and of course Food Fight, the ALL VEGAN 7-11 type convenience store


I appologize for the short notice for the change of location, but it was the most efficient way of planning this event out.


If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.





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I posted this in the new thread and am adding it here since this part is stickied.




You just made my day Robert! I think Portland is an excellent choice for all the reasons you mentioned and more! Plus there was minimal chance of me going to LA but I think I can swing Portland.... Ya mentioned VF.net - I assume you'll post info on this over there eventually? They have that new outreach forum for things like this.


So far, I've met Robert & David face to face - it'll be great to meet a bunch of the rest of ya's! I can most likely provide floor space + a futon for some folks & I am always up for playing tour guide. Robert, please be sure to let me know what I can do to help!


Here's my Portland testimonial: I've traveled through much of the US, plus a bit in Canada & Mexico. No other city I've been to comes close to offering such a great mix of so many things as does Portland. Besides being about as good as it gets for vegans, it is a very green city that is only a short drive from tons of wild and fairly wild nature. Robert didn't even mention the awesome hot springs we have in Oregon! Add to all that the fact that Portland is a city with some of the most socially & politically conscious folks you'll find anywhere. Did I mention the vibrant arts & music scene? Have I told you about Cascadia, our bio-region?


I could go on and on...


So me & mine are in. Who else is going to be here?

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We are moving back to the SF bay area in a few weeks, so we plan to head up to portland for the event! I'll let you know as time gets closer, first let me get situated.


We visited portland on our cross country trip 2 summers ago, and loved it, but for some reason we didn't feel like it was the right place for us, but we are always open! So this vacation will be a great experience for us.


We are moving back to san jose, and recently moved to florida, which is so not the place for us. We love the bay area because of the food (farmers markets all the time in almost every city!) Lots of vegans, raw foodists, and natural hygienists (living nutrition is in sebastopol too!) Plus the hiking and redwoods, big basin, plenty of eco events, i can go on and on. I can't believe we ever left the area, and i'm so happy to be going back. I may have come from NY, but once you live on the west coast it's part of you forever.

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Great idea!


My vegan friend Nettie (the person I hang out with the most) and I talked today and we have a bunch of cool ideas we'll share here soon.


This should be a pretty awesome event. Thanks for all the support so far

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