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What is a workout using only the body for bodybuilding?

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i'm a raw vegan looking to bodybuild only using body exercises at home. Do you know of a specific workout I can find?


listing the exact number of reps and set, etc?


right now I've been doing the Insanity workout for 3 mos, with some results but not what i'm looking for. (better pecks and abs) Right now I'm 5'8" 173, 10% body fat.

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Yo, I think that sets and reps will be set by what your body can do, there is no point somebody saying "then do 20 pull-ups" if you can only do 15, if you see what I mean.


Because it's bodyweight, you can't really do anything apart from just trying your hardest in each set (unless you struggle to do even a few on that exercise in which case you would need to take it easy in order to gradually build up muscle with repeated small sets, rather than just getting to failure then being unable to do any more sets).


So, I'd say either break the body up and do a day of whatever, and do as many sets and reps as you possibly can, and then next workout day, do another body part. Or the alternative is to do your whole body in one day, then have rest day(s) until your next whole body workout again. Push yourself to your limit either way. I'd say only use numbers of reps / sets as a guide or target. Once you reach them, don't be satisfied, do more next time, and improve.


bodyweight exercises that I can think of off the top of my head (all pretty obvious stuff):


chest and triceps

press up

incline press up (feet on a chair etc)

decline press up (hands on a step or chair etc)



back and biceps

pull ups

chin ups

bodyweight rows (not sure of real name for this, basically lay underneath something you can grab onto, and pull yourself up, with your feet on the ground. Basically an inverted press up)





calf raises

side leg raises

front leg raises



crunches of all kinds

I don't recommend sit ups, just crunches

hanging leg/knee raises - if you have anything to hold onto for this, which could be awkward around the house


other / fitness / cardio

burpee (press up, get up, jump up with arms straight up, crouch down, legs back, press up etc)

jumping jack

running up and down stairs

jogger / trampoline

martial arts / shadow boxing / punch bag

jump rope

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