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Anybody heard of / remember Junko Furuta?


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I wasn't sure where to post this, maybe I shouldn't post anything, but I am so pissed off right now. I just read of this girl's death (in 1989) and it is probably the most heinous and evil thing I've ever heard of, and I've read a lot about violent crimes and serial killers. If you haven't heard of her, in a way I don't want you to read about it because it's so miserable - and if you are easily disturbed, you really should not read about it. But the killers are all free men today, and it's so screwed up it makes me sick, the sentences they received were bullshit. I can't believe this is the first time I've heard of it, I guess it is because it happened in another country. Stuff like this makes me think of two things:


1) This existence is total shit and there is no justice


2) I am at least glad that my life is on the brighter end of the spectrum of possibilities


And I can't help feeling like those guys should die, and I don't mind saying so. In fact I can't believe nobody has killed them yet. Maybe that's just how I feel because this is news to me, but I think that after reflection I will feel the same, as I do about so many violent criminals of this nature.


A similar murder took place in Britain not so long ago, but it didn't last 44 days, I think it lasted just a few hours. Still made me furious, but this is 44x worse.

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