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In previous years I used a macro nutrient type diet for keep my weight in check. I went vegan and it seems to be giving me problems. I have trouble reaching my normal daily goal of 120 grm protein for me while not exceeding my 120 grm of carb. I just started eating small meals and not watching the pro/fats/carb etc. Does a macro type program work for the vegan diet or should I do something else. I will say when I did eat animal products I did not have any water gain. With the Vegan program I tend to hold on to water like gold. Could I be doing something wrong? If you all have answers or can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Oh I am female and weigh 113 at the moment.

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Hi Jungle,


I do use a protein powder, it is soy, hope to get a different one in the next week or two. But I do use veggie patties when I am at work, and I would say you may have it. Thanks I will eliminate them and see how the next few days go!




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