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help to inprove diet and to build stronger legs


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Excuse my wrighting english is not my fitters language.


Hi, im chris, been vegan for 2 and a half years now. I join the gym 2 months ago after a 3 years brake, I grew a belly that I wana get rid of. I find that im crap at doing cardion but very good at leg related exercises. Im just wondering If I could get advice on how to lose weight with litle cardio and improve my bench press. It is dificult for me to go int to diet as im a owner of a vegan and veggi restaurant and prety much work the 6 days a week 11 hrs a day. At the momment im drinking hemp protein, espirulina, barley grass and other nasty tasting powders durring workouts , is it a good idea or shoul i keep it for before or after my work outs? What kind of food shoul I eat? Eating tonnes of fruits good? Or isnt their sugars not helping at all?


Any help is apriciated


again sorry for my speling

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Hi! First off yes you can lose weight without doing much cardio or any.. but it helps. You will have to manage your calorie intake though. To lose weight you need less calories then you are burning. I really don't think it's necessary to drink that you consider nasty. LOL, seriously.


As far as the fruit so people can live off of it with no negative effects while others are more sensitive to the high amount of sugars. If you are concerned about your blood sugars I would suggest limiting fruits some what and maybe adding beans into your daily diet (if you don't already) they help to keep blood sugar more stable.


The best I can really say about what you should eat is to think minimally processed and whole foods. The more whole foods the better. You still have to keep in mind though to eat less calories then you burn.

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Improving one's diet is a journey toward better health and vitality. Incorporating nutritious foods while minimizing processed ones is key. Understanding how to keto diet can be a transformative step. Emphasizing high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb foods, the ketogenic diet promotes weight loss and enhances metabolic health. To start, focus on whole foods like avocados, nuts, and leafy greens while limiting sugar and grains. Experiment with keto-friendly recipes and meal plans to maintain variety and enjoyment. Remember, balance is crucial; consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes. With dedication and knowledge, embracing a keto lifestyle can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

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