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kitty stuck between walls


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forgot to post it last week but on regis and kelly they told a news story of a cat that was stuck between 2 walls of a building in new york ... kelly says something like "why dont they just break the wall and get the cat out?" .... apparently its some historic building and the city cant break it....kelly says "that cat is someones baby what if it was a child they would break the walls" ..... regis agreed..... i felt so bad for the cat but on another note its good to know there are people out there that think of animals as living creatures not just "things"


heres a story of the whole historic landmark and why they couldnt break it:



kitty was rescued



i thought its a nice story thought i'd share it

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So glad she was rescued. How terrible to think they might have left her to starve to death between those two walls! And I am impressed by what Kelly Rippa said (about being a being's child). Too bad she cant make that same connection with dairy (which directly results in the heart-wrenching veal industry, and other animal products that causes the separation of mother and babies. ).

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