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Cancer is such an insidious disease.


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Hi all.


I've been gone for awhile & been in a major funk. My dearest & closest friend succumbed to a three year battle with breast cancer in early March. She was only 37 & leaves behind three children the oldest of which is 7. ~~cry. My father died of cancer several years ago at the age of 56. By the time he was diagnosed it had metastasized & he was riddled with it. The 3-6 months he was given to live turned out to be less than 2 weeks. I was going to fly out to see him a week after he died, sure that I had at least a month or two before he passed.


Did I say how much I hate this fucking disease?




On a more positive note, I came across an Outside magazine in an airport terminal. The main feature was about 100 Things You Should Do Before You Die type of article. They featured people who accomplished (or at least tried to accomplish!) something they had always wanted to do. It was quite inspiring.


Many of you are young & maybe don't think of things like that but at my age & with my friend's death it was good timing. One of the guys in the article said, "When there is something in your life that you want to do & you are sure you can do it, if you don't even try, it is a slow, painful life." That really hit home with me & I realize that being in great shape is something I really want to accomplish & I have been lackadaisical about it. The bonus was a one page article with 15 steps on how to get in great shape & stay fit for the rest of your life. Very inspiring. When I got home I found the magazine at my local library & copied that 15 steps page. I've added it to my workout journal.


Kathryn, a friend at work has loaned me her stability ball for the next two months. I was pretty surprised when she handed me a small box. I was wondering how they shipped those things -- now I know! It has an instructional vid. I will check it out this weekend.


Oh & Booyah is such a joy! This dog is so much fun and we love him soooooooo much! He has a such a sweet & gentle spirit. Why would anyone take this dog back to the pound? Guess we were meant to be together!


Nat & Robert, thanks for the inquiring pm's. Makes me feel cared for.


Hope you are all well & I look forward to catching up with you. I've missed you guys.



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I can see why you hate that disease! I'm so sorry for your losses.

I've been fortunate thus far but I know it's just a matter of time before I have to deal with it on some level.

Pretty hard to find anyone nowadays whose life hasn't been affected by cancer in some way.


Glad to hear that you are in good spirits and health.

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Lezly, we missed you too.


I know all about the disease. My dad has cancer. When he was first diagnosed with it 5 years ago he riddled with it too. He has lived with it though for 5 years with virtually no quality of life - he cant eat or drink ANYTHING by mouth because the cancer has completely blocked his throat. So he has a G-tube connected to his insides and he has to do "feedings" that way, daily three times a day for three horrible hours at a time. Can you imagine never being able to swallow food again, or even a sip of water? It's horrible. Eating is one of the greatest joys of life!


I wish my family had adopted a vegan diet when they while there was still time. Veganism reduces your risk for degenerative diseases like cancer...


I hope your dog has helped ease the sadness that you are feeling right now. I have always found that my nonhuman friends are especially therapeutic to my soul when it has been hurting.


I am happy that you are posting again, and we are here for you every step of any journey you will allow us to be a part of. Like any friend, you have been thought of often while you were absent.


Here is to your new found passion for fitness!


P.S. And any time you need a good laugh, just re-visit my old thread viewtopic.php?t=1535&start=0 - the one where I describe how I did a perfect "caulk" job, but spelled that word incorrectly!


That thread always makes me laugh!

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