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Drinking Milk = Supporting the veal industry

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"The veal calves are orphans, separated from their mothers against their wills when two days old. Anyone should instantly recognize this as cruel. What could be more viscerally mean than taking a baby away from his mother? Both mother and baby often wail - I would call it crying - in reaction to the separation. Cows are naturally doting and protective mothers who lick, clean, nurture, and nuzzle their calves. They provide all the benefits and joys of parenthood to the developing calves for months. Other female members of the herd typically assist with mothering and nurturing activities. A calf may remain close to his mother for years.


The environment I just described - not an isolated, motherless veal crate - is a safe, comforting, and natural way in which a young calf grows up to be an adult.


Veal calves have no opportunity to walk around. They have no pasture in which to graze. They are denied their mothers' milk - both the nutrition and the bonding experience. They are fed an iron-deficient formula that makes their flesh turn pale. This is done for purely economic reasons. The lack of exercise, and, in all likelhood, the stress and loneliness of their imposed impoverishment, produces a creature who is weak, who craves iron, who acts frightened - instead of a healthy, confident cow, with the companionship and health benefits of a herd.


The slotted floors may be "efficient" but they are uncomfortable. Try standing all day on one. Animals, like humans, are designed to stand, sit, walk, and lie down on sold ground, not grating.


How dare the USDA describe any facet of a veal stall as "natural." The calves are isolated, orphaned, restricted, fed a nutritionally deficient diet, denied nearly every social and physical activity that they would enjoy in a natural environment. They are denied the most basic necessities - space, a mother, a herd. They are even denied practically all ability to make a decision, to think. Veal crates are torture; that's why they have been banned in Europe.


The USDA is chartered with promoting agriculture. The Agriculture commiittee in Congress is filled with people who have ties to agribuisiness. Their statement on veal calves is an utterly ing lie. No one in their right mind would confine their dog to such a contraption - for life. If they did, they would almost certainly be charged with animal cruelty, and possibly convicted of a felony.


Like many others on this forum, I have seen more than enough footage and read more than enough eyewitness accounts of veal crates and the pitiful creatures condemned to them to know that the whole concept of veal is unconscionably cruel."





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"The worst account of veal operations that I've heard is the one in Meat Market when Erik Marcus talks about the veal calf auctions. He describes how the calves often come into the auction ring with their umbilical cords still attached to their bellies and nervously seem to be searching for their mothers. And how they've nuzzled his finger as they look him in the eye."


If you arent vegan, you are likely supporting this. Go vegan.

Edited by compassionategirl
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The worst account of veal operations that I've heard is the one in Meat Market when Erik Marcus talks about the veal calf auctions. He describes how the calves often come into the auction ring with their umbilical cords still attached to their bellies and nervously seem to be searching for their mothers. And how they've nuzzled his finger as they look him in the eye.


that is just beyond being sick!!!

It is beyond me how people can see this on a daily basis and not have SOME sort of feelings.


Like the scene in Peaceable Kingdom where the farmer has an epiphany after "connecting" with a cow. Just the slightest bit of compassion, the smallest bit of empathy.....that's all it should take!!!


makes you wonder.... Is the human race THAT insensitive, gullible and incapable of empathy?

Or maybe we are dealing with sheer stupidity and ignorance coupled with a dose of gullibility and apathy?

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The worst account of veal operations that I've heard is the one in Meat Market when Erik Marcus talks about the veal calf auctions. He describes how the calves often come into the auction ring with their umbilical cords still attached to their bellies and nervously seem to be searching for their mothers. And how they've nuzzled his finger as they look him in the eye.


that is just beyond being sick!!!

It is beyond me how people can see this on a daily basis and not have SOME sort of feelings.


Like the scene in Peaceable Kingdom where the farmer has an epiphany after "connecting" with a cow. Just the slightest bit of compassion, the smallest bit of empathy.....that's all it should take!!!


makes you wonder.... Is the human race THAT insensitive, gullible and incapable of empathy?

Or maybe we are dealing with sheer stupidity and ignorance coupled with a dose of gullibility and apathy?



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Reading your post made me cry... I stopped dairy the first of May and I will never have it again. I became vegetarian for the environment but now I'm vegan for the animals. Trying to get my whole family to follow my foot steps.

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They're running some really annoying radio ads here in the UK telling people that drinking milk and eating dairy is good for your health, even your skin! Too bad they don't tell you that it's also bad for you and cruel on animals. The campaign is funded by the European Union and I wonder who's behind it...

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