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Calories Needed during physical strain

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Hello fellow sportsmen and women,


I am not the type who counts calries or protein intake, but could anybody tell me (approximately) how many calories and protein you consume during periods of working out (weights) or doing any other physical training( i.e. running, tennis, mountain biking, etc)? The reason I'm asking is I feel I'm not consuming enough (get a bit lightheaded and weaker) after a certain period.

By training I mean really stressing your body, not just leisurely parading/biking around.


I would really appreciate your input and any suggestions you may have.


For now---Take care---Patrick

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Charts i've looked at in the gym lead me to believe you would burn about 800-1,000 calories with an hour of intense lifting and half an hour of biking. But we must consider what is intense and what is one's present endurance. Lots of qualifiers with questions like this.

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I don't believe the calorie burning/counting system is remotely accurate. I eat about 2500calories a day and burn 3000 on my daily 3hr bike rides and 1500-2000 just being active off the bike...I've been about the same weight for the last 2-3 months but if the math were correct I would be losing a bit over 20lbs of fat everymonth which is definately not possible and I'm not losing muscle either...I also feel great on this diet despite the fact that I should be burning more than twice as much as I'm eating...eventually your body just learns to live with less

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