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The JW Blog: thoughts from a manchild..........


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just got back from the workout and man!!! I am wasted!!


I did the posted workout today just because it looked so challenging


5 minutes on bike warmup



15 bicep curls

15 incline bench

15 low ring pullups

30 piston press (15 each arm)


repeat this group again



1 150m sprint

1 20sec sprint on airdyne machine

50 jacks

1 150m sprint



15 goblet squats

21 bicep curls

15 sdlhp (sumo deadlifts)

15 bent over rows


repeat this group again



1 150m sprint

50 burnouts

100 skips

1 150m sprint

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a little bit of soreness this morning.

planning for a run tonight.

Diet has been okay but the raw consumption isn't as high as I'd like it to be. Find it tough when work is busy.

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nutty moment #3,211


playing the Wii with the family the other night and we used the Wii Fit

after taking my weight and calculating my BMI, it told me that I am boderline OBESE!!! I don't think so!!!!!

And to top that........ my mii figure gets transformed into this rotund little man!!!!!!!


my kids were just rolling on the floor laughing!!!!


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thanks MS !


the tummy has settled down, work continues to be absolutely insane!!!

I'm refusing to work the crazy long hours though! Just don't want to go there.


I bypassed the run last night and went for a 45min walk instead.

To the gym at lunch again today!!!

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20 deadleg stepups (10 each leg)

50 side lunges (25 each side)

20 deadlifts

5 manmakers

20 deadlifts

5 manmakers

2x20 squats

1x10 Shoulder press

1x10 Lats

1x10 incline bench

1x10 rows


10 minutes on bike



crazy day!!!! conference calls most of the day. deadlines! deadlines! DEADLINES!!!!!!

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I bypassed the run last night and went for a 45min walk instead.

To the gym at lunch again today!!!


I was just reading a couple of the last pages of your journal, and I was glad to see that statement. Sometimes it's better to be restorative than push ourselves. That's a lesson I learned for myself this week.


Too bad wii miis don't have superaccountant man... with amazing number crunching powers!

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I bypassed the run last night and went for a 45min walk instead.

To the gym at lunch again today!!!


I was just reading a couple of the last pages of your journal, and I was glad to see that statement. Sometimes it's better to be restorative than push ourselves. That's a lesson I learned for myself this week.


Too bad wii miis don't have superaccountant man... with amazing number crunching powers!

with pocket protector??



Thanks for the comment vivalasvegans! so true! When I look back to when I was younger, it's no wonder I couldn't put on any muscle. I overtrained, did a ton of cardio. DOn't think I ever gave my muscles a chance to properly recover.

The value of rest is probably the single best thing I have learned

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took it fairly easy on the weekend.

2 hour walk on Saturday

hour and a half walk on Sunday


I'm starting to really enjoy long walks. You just see much more of the neighborhood and people.


June is a completely nutty time when you have kids. There are so many things going on : birthday parties (the summer b-days usually happen in June), school projects, activities, graduation (grade 6 and grade

I could never quite figure out the grade 6 grad thing


to the gym at lunch today! not feeling terribly energetic, but I'll suck it up and get a workout in!

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10 min on bike


2x12 squats

1x8 incline bench

1x8 lats

1x8 shoulder press

1x8 rows

1x12 hamstring curls

2x12 squats

1x6 incline bench

1x6 lats

1x6 shoulder press

1x6 rows

1x12 hamstring curls

1x6 hammer curls


5 burnouts

(5x 30sec full out/30 sec rest )

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going to the gym again today at lunch.

planning to do some light cardio. (just feel like it)


my son never ceases to amaze me...

He's been driving me crazy for years because I am a hopeless sports nut and he has no interest at all in organized sports. What drives me crazy is that he has much talent in practically everything he tries.

*picks up a golf club and has a perfect picture swing

*plays in a pickup soccer game and regulary takes the ball from a classmate who is regarded as one of the top players in the province at his age.

* he took the "beep test" at school yesterday (timed sprints... how many you can do within a time limit) and had the 2nd best time in the school.


Part of me is glad that he isn't playing some of the more physical sports (when I see all the kids walking around on crutches) as long as he stays active, but......

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darn those injuries!!!


I like watching Faber fight.

GSP is the man in my books though! (maybe because he's Canadian?)


I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him take apart BJ Penn

Don't know if Dana White has it in for GSP or what.... he never seems to get a soft opponent like the other guys do

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All I have to say is NASTY NASTY NASTY


here is the lunch hour workout:


5 minutes on bike warmup


15 incline bench press

15 DB flyes

15 pushups


50 stepups

15 squats

50 running man


15 lowring chinups

15 bent over rows

15 lats


50 stepups

15 squats

100 Hockey jumps DSL


15 arnold press

15 lat raises - palms up

15 reverse flyes


2x 15sec sprint on airdyne with 15 sec recovery at regular pace

15 squats




JW is tired!!!!!!

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darn those injuries!!!


I like watching Faber fight.

GSP is the man in my books though! (maybe because he's Canadian?)


I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him take apart BJ Penn

Don't know if Dana White has it in for GSP or what.... he never seems to get a soft opponent like the other guys do



Faber and GSP are two of my fav fighters. Both are very talented. I saw pictures of urijahs hand today post surgery and it has two plates and some screws in it. I really hope you won't have any hardware in your hand!

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I hope not!


frustrating because at this point I don't even know if they can repair it.

I sure hope so because I seem to have at least one painful experience every day (banging it or catching it on something)


re: MMA

were you surprised with Rashard Evans getting destroyed ?

it's an amazing sport.... on any given day...

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another 25 pushups for the VBBF challenge


definitely a rest day today.

feeling a bit spent.

I'll probably put in a couple sets of pushups later but that's it. (still a rest day though)

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I hope not!


frustrating because at this point I don't even know if they can repair it.

I sure hope so because I seem to have at least one painful experience every day (banging it or catching it on something)


re: MMA

were you surprised with Rashard Evans getting destroyed ?

it's an amazing sport.... on any given day...



who knows maybe some hardware in your hand could be your escape.... I love how i turned your blog into an mma theme lately.... I can't really say I am surprised when anyone losses because all fighters make mistake. Even if your really good your eventually going to pay for them at least once and awhile. I do get disappointed sometimes though.

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I have a feeling that this thread will continue to go in many directions


here's an interesting question for you...

my friend and I were recently discussing who would be the person you would LEAST want to step into the octagon with?


He said Tank Abbott because of the fear factor (Tank being such a brawler)


I thing Anderson Silva because it seems like whoever faces him comes out looking like he got kicked in the face by a horse!

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another 40 pushups for the challenge last night



worked out his morning because I have a lunch meeting today.


5 min bike


2x8 deadlifts

2x8 incline bench

2x8 lats

2x8 squats

2x8 tricep ext

2x8 shoulder press

2x8 rows

2x8 leg ext

2x8 hamstring curls

5-4-3-2-1 manmakers


My guage for how good my workout is seems to be how difficult it is to wash my hair afterwards. (it was a good one today)

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