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Training at Muscle Beach Part II - With Brendan Brazier


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Robert, does Brendan eat all raw for the exception of Vega?

Or does he eat some vegan cooked food?

Just curious.


Brendan eats about 90% raw foods. Occasionally he'll have a bit of rice or a piece of tofu or some steamed veggies, but he's nearly totally raw. But, he has no intention of being 100% raw. He just wants to feel good and perform well and 90% raw works best for him.


Vega bars are totally raw, the powder is only about 1/3 raw. Some of the ingredients in the vega powder can't be raw. By volume it is about 30% raw but the bars are 100% raw.


Brendan is a very cool guy and the most efficient guy I know from every aspect.

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Yes Brendan sweats efficiency. I'm amazed at how fast he is with the little volume he's capable of getting in while travelling promoting VEGA. I don't know any athletes that can do that other than him. If my ruitine changes even 15% other than resting for a race I really fall to pieces.

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