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Wheatgrass vs Spirulina and Chlorella


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I know chlorella is usually raw, because it is spray-dried to break down the cell wall, which usually reach temperatures low enough to be considered raw. Spirulina I have heard is oven dried sometimes, so you may want to check the source. From what I have read, chlorella seems to be the healthiest. I plan on buying some here in a few weeks once I start working my summer job again.

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I think spirilina has more vitamins but chorella has more chorophyll which is more important if you get enough of your vitamins from other sources. Also I hear chorella tastes better(I've never had it outside of being and additive so I can't tell that much)

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I really do recover significantly better on my spirulina...I'm thinking chorella may be even better. And as of now I never want to go a day without it unless I'm maybe resting after my season

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Yeah, I am really looking forward to buying my chlorella this summer for faster recovery. I have a pretty physically demanding job over the summer, so it will be nice to use chlorella to speed my recovery and maca to give me energy to workout after a 10-12 hour day.

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