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Slim vegan - muscle growth. I am looking for person to model


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I'm 25 years old. My body type is ectomorph - slim. After I became vegan and stopped clogging the system to much I became lighter by ~25 pounds. My current weight consistently ~125. If somebody went across person who was skinny but improve his physical muscular conditions and staying that way, eating only vegi stuff - no diary, no meat, no sugar - please let me know. I am looking for person to model so I can get same results.

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Honestly if you've never worked out before progress should come quickly. You'll definitely get stronger very fast...genetics and hard work will determine how fast you grow. Anyhow I suggest focusing on eating well through eating as much produce as you can stomach(focus on variety), and having a reasonable mix of protein, carbs and fat. Nothing out of the ordinary until you experiment and find out what works...so long as you keep away from junky foods the health will be there which is most important.

As for training I suggest going to the gym 4-5 days a week to start off. 3 days of upper body, 2 days of legs. Focus on doing compound movements and keep sets over 10 reps for now. Learn to enjoy working out without dealing with a plan. This way you won't have much stress and you'll progress no matter what you do since you haven't really trained before. Don't kill yourself. Work hard but just under your threshold of pain. Once you get the feel of lifting and see your numbers aren't going up quite as quickly its time to get more specific. If you've been an athlete for a long time I'd have a complete workout for you but if you haven't nothings better than just going in there and having fun.

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I began work out many times. And this fact is a bit painful. I was exhausted and not able to see results. I did not figure out how to measure progress and how to eat right/enough.


What's your diet look like? How many times you usually eat? How long does it take you to prepare food or somebody preparing it for you? How do you carry all those fresh meals during the day?

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I actually don't eat many meals. I only eat something prepared for breakfast(normally a smoothie with 3 bananans, some frozen OJ, berries, and VEGA) and for dinner(something my mom makes...normally with starches, lots of veggies and some beans)...then a smoothie for dessert. The rest of the day I eat fruits mostly. I average about 1 fruit an hour while I'm awake. I rarely get hungry and I just eat as the day goes on. So realistically there is maybe 10 minutes of prep for my food a day. My mother cooks my dinner(I'm a lucky 24 yr old) and it may take her 20 minutes but it doesn't need to take that long. Anyhow I work out a lot...I train over 20hours a week and this diet of maybe 2500 calories sustains me well because its good readily absorbable food.


As for yourself maybe you should look into some other type of physical activity first. Maybe try yoga, running, biking, swimming or aerobics classes. There's no sense in working out with weights if you don't enjoy it. If you find something you enjoy...lifting will complement that activity and I think you'll be better for it.

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