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Wegmans Cruelty


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Hi friends.


I have received this link from my friend Melly.


They put up a campaign against Wegmans.

Here's all about it:





If you're sensitive about seeing cruelty to animals and are already vegan, you don't need to see the movie. It brings tears to my eyes every time i see it. But it's still a great movie and i love the ending, which gives a little hope.



Melly helped produce this movie and is one of the 3 investigators in the film now facing felony burglary charges for rescuing hens - which carries up to 7 years in prison.


I can only recommend to watch the movie, it's very professional and catching. They're doing a wonderful job and deserve our recognition.

Download it or order the DVD at the website.



Love and peace,


Edited by Daywalker
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I cannot watch the movie. I have enough issues with the human species without seeing how we treat our fellow co-habitants.


Laurie & Gene Bauston, of Farm Sanctuary, say that chickens are the WORST TREATED of all barnyard animals. From what I've read, I believe that is true.


However, I will send a contribution.


Thank you for this alert.



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Laurie & Gene Bauston, of Farm Sanctuary, say that chickens are the WORST TREATED of all barnyard animals. From what I've read, I believe that is true.

Daywalker and Lezly, what follows isn't directed at either of you. I would just like to make a general comment.


I dislike it when violence and abuse are ranked. I often get action alerts sent to me that use terms like "WORST TREATED." I think this is all too common, and statements like that tend to offend me. The important point isn't whether these animals or those animals suffer the most from exploitation. Suffering shouldn't be framed as a competition. I think the more central point is because so-called "cage-free" eggs are considered "humane," the exploitation and eventual death of these hens and the mass killing of the males chicks is virtually ignored, a point dramatically depicted in the Wegman Cruelty campaign.


Boycott Battery Cage Eggs

One thing you can do right now is to revoke your financial support of battery cage egg production. By simply not buying eggs or only buying "humane" eggs, you can be part of a message to the industry that customers will not support these cruel farming practices, and that they cannot continue to profit unless things change.

My moral obligation as an animal advocate is to disabuse people of the idea that other animals can be used. Therefore, I can't conscientiously bring myself to support a campaign that is directing people to use any animal products.

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I was happy to find a group that sets the use of eggs straight.


Egg alternatives

Unfortunately, all egg production involves cruelty. Cage-free farms, while a significant improvement, still require millions of male chicks to be killed shortly after birth (since they'll never be able to lay eggs), and all laying hens are still slaughtered when their production falls. A powerful way to help end this unnecessary suffering is to simply leave eggs out of your shopping cart. It's easier than you might think.

I still think the Wegmans campaign is misguided, but I was happy to see at least one group working on the issue that was willing to advocate against using any eggs.

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