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Morning Loaf

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They have totally changed my life. No joke. I apologize if anyone is grossed out. But, this is a brilliant breakthrough for me. I've noticed a significant difference in the way I feel over the past week. I have lots of energy, and don't feel run down all day at work.


Also, I've been adding more greens to my diet, taking probiotics, and eating prunes. It's amazing how great an efficient digestive system can make one feel.


Along with unloading in the morning I've also changed my breakfast. I've always looked forward to oatmeal in the morning, but my body can't handle it. So, that's been replaced by a bowl of natures path, some fruit and/or peanut butter toast.


Now, I just need to find something to pick me up a bit pre-workout. Most energy drinks/bars don't do it for me. Except for steaz - I've been diggin those lately.

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How have you managed to change when you create the loaves?

Eating prunes, or greens before bed. I think the yerba mate green tea I have first thing in the morning helps also. Seems like within 20 minutes of consuming that tea I'm hittin' the can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im looking for some breakfast suggestions - Excluding oatmeal, or cereals. Like i've mentioned before i don't think my body can handle oatmeal at 7 a.m. and I'd rather not run the risk of eating an entire box of baked cereal. So, what else could i whip up?

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Maybe it has something to do with oatmeal feeling more filling than baked cereal? When I used to eat baked cereals, they never really made me fell satisfied, so there wasn't any chance really for me to feel sluggish.

I think it just makes me really bloated, and backed up. I don't have this problem if I eat it in the afternoon though.

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Im looking for some breakfast suggestions - Excluding oatmeal, or cereals. Like i've mentioned before i don't think my body can handle oatmeal at 7 a.m. and I'd rather not run the risk of eating an entire box of baked cereal. So, what else could i whip up?


You could give this a shot. Pumpkin pudding.



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