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Everything posted by StrongSage

  1. Greetings everyone! I'm Sage and I am on a mission to become the strong and energetic bundle of joy that I was supposed to be before detouring for years into compulsive eating, eating for any reason from disappointment to boredom to celebration. ENOUGH! I asked a very well muscled friend to help me and we chatted today. He's very leery of the whole vegetarian/vegan thing and completely believes that eating flesh is the only way to deal with the protein needs associated with building muscle. Interestingly, when I asked him if he knew of any vegetarian or vegan body builders and he said he did not. I decided to do some research and here I am! Some history: This past summer, I attended a Tony Robbins Unleash the Power seminar and became thoroughly convinced that my body doesn't want animal products. I also read Dr. Joel Fuhrman's _Eat to Live_ and now, vegetables and fruits are my best friends. My family history and personal history is rife with overeating, sedentary living, and obesity. In the last few years, I've experienced some fits and starts of progress in my physical journey toward health and fitness. For example, I lost over 100 lbs (then gained about 40 of it back over the last 10 months). Now, I have been virtually animal-product free for the last few months and I feel loads better. I just need to nix the processed foods, especially the sugar and flour products and find new ways to create warm, interesting, nourishing, fast-and-simple vegan meals for myself. As for fitness, I've evolved from Oxycise (which I still love!) to doing Body for Life (the exercise bit worked and totally got me into loving free weights, but I was unwilling to follow the food plan ) to almost daily morning walks. I've been involved in Meridian Resistance Stretching for about a year and a half and founded a weekly ecstatic dance group in my area. Now, I am stepping up and into the body that in the past I didn't even let myself dream of... This body will easily and joyfully be totally energized, light, strong, able to do pull-ups, wall-climbing, and handstands with ease plus a whole lot more. I am hoping to find ideas, inspiration, and support here. Wahoo! Let the games begin! Bright and bodacious blessings, Sage
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