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  1. Thanks to the help from everyone. I do have raw hemp protein and I make raw green smoothies a lot, but I don't like the taste of the raw hemp protein, so I never use very much... usually half a scoop per shake, which is only about 6g of protein... and then I usually get full halfway through the shake ^0^. When I go grocery shopping on Saturday, I think I'm going to try to find some brown rice protein, 'cause I've heard that works pretty well, and I'm almost out of the soy protein... any comments on that?
  2. I've very recently decided to try a lot more weight training, but I've heard that you need 1g protein per pound of lean body weight per day. For me, that's 108 grams-- and I can't seem to figure out how to get that much! I'm using shakes to help me get some more, but the problem is that they fill me up wayyy too much, and then I end up skipping the next meal because I'm still full. I also have trouble eating high-protein foods by themselves (ie a lot of tofu or nuts) because it upsets my stomach. This is all really weird for me because usually I can eat a ton and I never get sick. Anyway, here's what I've been eating on an average day: B- Either A) One scoop unsweetened soy protein, 2 cups soymilk, 2 bananas (30g) or B) scrambled tofu with nutritional yeast and veggies with toast or fruit (29-34g depending on if I have toast) L- Usually late and usually something small because I'm always still full from breakfast- a Luna bar or a pb and j or cereal with soymilk (around 10-15g) Snacks- Fruit or repeats from lunch D- Either A) Baked or grilled tofu or tempeh with marinade, veggies (kale or broccoli), rice or potatoes (usually about 25-30g), or B) whole wheat pasta with veggie ground and veggies (usually about 20-25g) Even though I'm trying really hard to get enough protein, I always seem to get stuck at 70-80g instead of 100ish. Is that last 20-30g going to impair my progress in any way, or should I forget about it? If I need more protein... any tips on how to get it?
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