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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Thanks for the welcome!


    I'm not avoiding nuts, seeds, and beans, they're part of my staple. I'd go for seaweeds, but the high amounts of vitamin K might interfere with a medication I'm taking. Veganism is very difficult here, and I pretty much have to do all my own cooking. That's all right though, I don't mind cooking, just looking for some good kidney chili recipe at the moment. I'm in Okayama (a city between Osaka and Hiroshima).

  2. I recently got a blood test, and my total protein count was low (I'm not surprised, as I haven't been cooking for myself recently, and I avoid prepared foods with a lot of animal products in them). Veganism nor vegetarianism has caught on here in Japan, so aside from the large cities, there's little in the way of vegan products. Anyways, my doctor had me do this body analysis on a machine, and the machine read that my BMI was 23.9, and so my BMR was 1900 calories, and that I need at least 94 grams of protein a day. I'm 6 foot tall, have just a little less than 10% body fat, and weigh 174 pounds. On Nutritiondata.com, the BMI calculator reads that I need 2500 calories a day. So I'm wondering which is correct, and I'm also wondering just how much protein I need if I'm just doing some nbodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, etc. My BMR according to the machine was 1900 calories a day.


    Anyone able to shed some light, cause 1900 and 2500 seems a large difference.

  3. Hi everyone. I'm thinking of going vegan and getting into fitness, I'm currently a smoker, but have been trying to kick the habit (I think it may take a few tries, but I'll get there sometime). Mostly I'll just be doing bodyweight exercises from Ross Enamait's 'Never Gymless' book, but I definitely need some help in figuring out the whole protein thing. My last couple blood tests showed I was low in total protein count, but I want to stay away from soybeans, protein powders, and vegan sausages/meats. So it's looking like I'm just going to have to get right into the beans (as well as the usual nuts, seeds, veggies, and fruits).


    Just a bit about me, I'm a 32 year old male Canadian living in Japan, and it was the 72 year old bodybuilder on Youtube that eats nothing but nuts, beans, fruits, and veggies, as well as a guy on Ross Enamait's forum that eats fruit only (his name's the Fruitarian One) that has convinced me that veganism is the way to go, that and that I'm positively convinced that our current meat/fish lindustries are doing a lot of damage, and that consumers as a start need to at the very least cut down on meat.


    In short, I need to fit all my prteins from whole foods into about 2300 calories, and getting enough prtein in there might be a challenge (basal metabolic rate at 1900 calories). I only need to lose a little fat, I'm kind of blessed that way, and my skeletal muscle mass is just a bit better than the average person's (at least here in Japan).

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