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Everything posted by kai

  1. I have never seen a credible study showing this effect. I also invite you to hop on down to the "kinks" thread in the dating forum if you think soy-eating vegans can't get their freak on Seriously, though, as I mentioned earlier, there is a lot of ignorance regarding the meaning of "phytoestrogen". You will not grow boobs, and your penis will not shrivel away to nothingness, nor will you suddenly start enjoying Sex & The City. Ironically, taking testosterone (i.e. chowing down on 'roids) will actually produce those effects. Well, not the Sex & The City part. That was a joke. but there's a lot of saying that soy contain estro-- oh my god i wanna be father someday
  2. Show me one study and I'll debunk it. I do hope it's not true...as a vegan,Soy means a lot to me.. below are the links http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=459861 http://www.sciam.com/blog/60-second-science/post.cfm?id=soy-vey-does-eating-tofu-lower-sper-2008-07-23 the worst part is this: http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=459516
  3. You heard wrong, particularly if you are talking about low processed traditional soy foods Read the sticky notes in the nutrition board on this site. Search on "soy" in the search engine on this site and on veganfitness.net. You will find plenty of hard reading to reassure you. but there's still a lot more study showing that soy's gonna have your libido get killed, and i afraid that's true
  4. hi i am a vegan bodybuilder who don't eat packaged food The problem is that i can't get enough protein, any suggestion besides tofu and tempeh to get enough protein? i heard that soy decrease testosterone and increase estrogen which leads to fat storage what should i eat then? thanks a lot
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