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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I was informed to this messageboard by Topher. I just went vegetarian like 3months ago working myself to become vegan, but for right now I was wondering if someone could hook me up with a vegetarian diet and possibly a workout routine to cut bodyfat. I've been lifting for about a year now and i've been doing power workouts more or less not really doing the whole 'get cut" routine of less weight more reps, but I want to get rid of this gut and put on a little muscle but everybody seems to be steering me in different directions. Right now i'm more concerned on cutting my bodyfat than I am putting on muscle, but i'm so confused when it comes to dieting, everybody keeps giving me information that contracts previous information. I'm about 175 pounds 6'0. Any help is appreciated! Id like to see my ab's atleast once before I die! -Chris
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