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  1. Yes, I love the band that is Oasis, I've loved their music ever since I first heard them. They make my life, I've seen them 2 times. The new video I was in the crowd http://mfile.akamai.com/1689/wmv/bmguk.download.akamai.com/1689/oasis/LTBL/oasis_LTBL_HI.wmv I was next to the person with the flair (the thing that makes smoke) 2 of them are vegetarians:)
  2. Hi, my name is Tristan, I live in the north east of England... I'm a Vegan I've been a vegan since September 2002. I'm not really in very good shape (does computer programming) but I can still outrun my friends, which is cool coz they the ones that always tellin me you can't be fit if you don't eat dead animals. I have my own bench and lift in the comfort of my garden shed, sometimes I go to the local gym, it's called steel city, it's kind of cool, the man that owns it is a vegetarian and an animal rights person. I like to drink alcohol, i'm trying to cut it out of my life but it's hard when all my friends drink. Anyway hello everyone. Sorry for any bad grammar, I quit school when i was 14.
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