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Posts posted by BradMoss

  1. I don't think protien's the issue as I'm usually with Whey supps during the day, milk and cheese etc. Plus protiens through the veggies, and beans I eat. But yeah thanks for the tips on the more high calorie meals, keep 'em coming!


    Find some ingredients you like in a shake, and add some protein powder to it.You can easily get 500+ calories from a shake.I recently had 500ml rice milk, 100 grams of porridge oats, 2 bananas & scoop of protein powder all in one.


    never really though about Oats in a shake...?

  2. Thought I'd repost in here as oposed to starting new threads...


    At the moment I'm working towards balancing my body out, and keeping my technical movement ability. Been working my back a lot to contribute to my pulling power, for muscle up techniques and pull ups etc. I can do them no problems on Rings, but bars I have good and bad periods... where muscles ups are good , and then a week later fail.


    For aesthetics and confidence, I'm really wanting to sort my chest out, I feel it just looks meh and out of balance in relation to my shoulders and arms. Working on benchpresses from incline, flat and decline, but not noticing any real difference, I know it's early days, but I think a big part of it might be not eating enough really in relation to calories.


    Just wondered if those on here who have the "thread map" in their head, could link me to some good starter threads for food good for bulking, I can cook well and know good meals compared to most, but I'm sure you guys and girls know what really works and what have you, so yeah really, Cheers.


    Would it help if I'd post an example of what I'd eat during a day?


    Thanks in advance!

  3. Hey all! My names Brad, I'm 21 and from Essex in the UK.

    My Veggie story:


    Well first off I Am a vegetarian and not vegan, so hopefully I'm not going to be crucified on here for that, I'm here for more info to benefit my training, body and performance for life, and improving my diet is a biiig part of that, so I'm here to learn and share info with others.




    As a part of my own personal development I decided to stop eating meat as I realised I'd never been through a period on my life where I hadn't eaten meat, so i thought I'd test it. I continued to eat fish as I felt I would need some lean protein to help me develop (ate it once a month if that), and fish is a much healthier option compared to red meat, my choice was also supported by some interesting things I foudn through eating the blood type diet book, "Eat right for your type", I cut meat out "cold turkey" and found it rather easy, as I stopped I noticed tendancies to eat certain foods that I'd never before been drawn to and they also were reinforced to my blood type and the suggested foods recomended with my blood type.


    I was peskatarian til March this year (2009).


    I started seeing some videos online and researching and I disliked the methods animals are over produced and treated, and I don't feel it's right to eat meat when we have the choice not to, and I don't want to support that industry. So Stopped all meats, and stopped fish oil suppliments etc. I take multivitamin drinks and whey drinks to suppliment my training on top of my vegetarian diet.


    My training story:


    Always been physcial and active, started practicing Parkour early 2005 although training wasn't really training and just "jumping around". Started adding a lot more structure to my training from Nov 2006 and have been training Parkour very hard over these years concentrated predominantly on bodyweight work.


    For the record, Parkour and what it practice is not about "Jumping over roof gaps, doing flips, and crazy stunts". It is a means to work on fast effective movement to overcome the obstacles around you through setting and overcoming movement challenges, for the benfit of self and others.


    "Be strong, Be useful" and "to be and to last" are 2 real 'mottos' I go by, If it's not gonna be useful to me or others, generally I'll stear clear of it.


    As of the past year or so started supplimenting my training more with weighted work, to balance out my body after exercises working predominantly some areas of the body and not muscle pairings equally (Ie lots of jumping and working more quads over the posterior chain etc). So yeah really. I also incorperate the ideals of Methode Naturelle and movnat into my ideals and training. (mainly looking at carrying people and things for help and assist others)


    I'm currently on a mission to balance my body which i think is a real life goal really and I know diet plays a key role. I wish to learn more about diet and nutrition which fit in with my ideals. Also working on flexibility and cardio [long duration, high intensity work] a lot at the moment.


    Any comments, advice, or questions pleeeease feel free to message me =].


    Here are few pics of what shape I'm in.





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