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  1. Yes indeed! lol, but yeah. They do miss the small stuff, but unfortunatly sometimes it's very important stuff that tends to equal another hospital visit. But again...it's a good thing that people share experiences and...remedies (best word i could think of right now )
  2. Alright, did some more searching around...through this website, other vegan/vegetarian bodybuilding sources and through Bodytech (where i buy my stuff from) and I just ordered a bottle of Vanilla NitroFusion. I hope it's as good as it sounds lol. Just for the record, if anyone searches for this, or wonders about it...Nature's Best Isopure Mass seems to be a great product. It does it's job...i usually don't feel that much of an energy gain (energy drinks dont do squat for me anyway, i run off natural energy it seems lol) but it helps with my weight training. The one thing I don't like about it, is that it's whey protein isolate. I have other protein things (a bottle of hemp and a bottle of...w/e Alive is) but since this one is high calorie, i tend to take it more often. It's lactose free though...but not good enough! Within the ingredients, some things i remember that it has after drinking it and getting that glob of mucusy stuff i refuse to swallow: Maltodextrin, Ion Exchange Whey (milk) Protein Isolate, Microfiltered Whey (milk) Protein Isolate, less than 2% corn syrup solids, sodium caseinate (don't know exactly what that is, but caseinate turns my thoughts to milk), natural and artificial flavor, sucralose (i haven't ever liked sucralose). So yeah. Great product for those who aren't vegan i guess lol. I used to drink Perfect 3300 but boy did that turn my stomach upside down (almost got sick once after drinking it, but just massive stomach aches every once in a while from drinking it). Isopure Mass is gentle on my stomach...but my body hates it after a while. So on to something new. And just as wel, I want to cut down on my soy intake so i'm glad NF doesn't contain any soy
  3. Yeah, everytime I've taken antibiotics, I eat probiotic yogurts and ate pickles (i forgot why, but they help in that category of providing or restoring bacteria in the GI tract...plus it works well against any signs of nausea). My mom raised me on that concept, and it works well with me and with everyone that I recommend it to. Every doctor that prescribed antibiotics for me and my friends didn't tell them about pre/probiotics..I wonder why sometimes.
  4. Oh, and just now, I decided to stop taking Isopure Mass. I haven't ever really enjoyed taking it to the fullest extent because of the ingredients...I don't like half the stuff that it has in it. And I forgot to add that I mostly want to know about meal replacement powders because I got a filling a few days ago, have to get two molars taken out, another filling and a root canal in the next few weeks or so (not all at once though). So my normal eating won't be much of an option. Thanks again!
  5. Hey peoples...newbie here ! I searched through the forum, but didn't exactly find what I was looking for. So anyways..here goes. I weight train lightly, but mostly bulk up...lots of eating! But i tend to eat big meals, I was told smaller meals more often during the day helps keep my metabolism from going into overdrive. I have an ectomorph body...very active outside/inside...work on cars with my friends and walk a LOT....so i can't afford to lose too many calories during my day lol. I usually take ALIVE as a meal replacement and to get the vitamins and what nots that I need and Isopure Mass after i workout or do something that exercises my muscles, however, I have to stop taking the Isopure Mass every now and then because my body gets tired of it sometimes and i tend to not finish drinking the last 1/5th of the glass. So my question finally, what type of meal replacements do you take? I've looking for something that's fairly high in calories (most i've seen is like 300...), something I can add fruits and vegan yogurts to, tastes good in your opinion and isn't exactly expensive (if it is..still include it, i'll probably still get if it works!). Also, for what you take, how many servings does it supply? Or even so, do you make your own? Thanks in advanced!
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