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Everything posted by bodybuilding

  1. I'm wondering about the legitimacy of the mass-zymes. They could be legitimate but maybe not. I ordered some. The bottle says it is a proprietary enzyme blend Protease, amylase, bromelain, alpha-galactosidase, glucoamylase, lactase, lipase, invertase, malt diastase (from barley). Other ingredients are Vegetable cellulose, rice bran, and water. Its exact title is Mass-Zymes: Mass builder Digestive Enzymes - Dietary Supplement. However, the capusles are real small and are filled with a sand colored substance. What makes me skeptical is the order letter that came with the bottle. The way in which they suggest taking the pills seems quite unorthodox. The letter says consume 2 to 10 capsules upon wakening, then 2 to 10 capsules with each meal, then 2 to 10 capsules in between each meal, and then 2 to 10 capusles before going to bed. At the end of the directions I thought they were going to say "and if you like throw 5 of them over your shoulder for good luck and another 5 between your legs like you're dribbling a basket ball. Heck why not walk down the sidewalk and throw two over each shoulder every 20 feet. I think someone ought to take one of those pills to a lab to get them checked out for what the sand colored powder in the capules really are. A person could make a lot of money by filling a bunch of small capusles with flour or a plentiful unharmful herb of some sort and call it the miracle drug of the century at $79.00 a bottle. If it only took $2.00 worth of the substance to fill up the entire bottle that is a $77.00 profit. However, I would like to say that even though I question the legitimacy of the mass-zymes based upon what the pills look like and the letter that accompanied them, I do believe that Matt is on to something as far as nutrition and bodybuilding goes. If you eat plenty of good protein, vegetables, and buy a juicer, that is probably the best thing you could do for your body when lifting weights. I did buy some other pills called force-factor, they look a lot more legitimate than the small capsuled mass-zyme pills. But who knows, until a consumer actually finds out how he can go about finding out the composition of a pill, we will never know. I did a search on google for "mass-zyme""scam""fraud" and not a single thing came up yet. The pills could be legitimate, but even if they are, they sure don't look like it.
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