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Everything posted by JDot

  1. Thank you all for your responses, I really appreciate it.
  2. Hello, Thank you for reading my post! I am fairly new to both weight training and the vegan lifestyle. I'm 26 years old, I'm 6'3 my weight was 210 when I started working out in February of this year. My intentions were to bulk up, however I noticed that I was putting on too much weight and before I knew it I was 215 in April. My diet was whatever I saw I ate, so I started all over again. In April I decided to lose the weight first then start the bulk up process. My weight went from 215 down to 182 which is where I currently am. I still have belly fat and I would like to bring my body fat % down to 10% or lower. Me and my girlfriend began reading the book called "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Wow! What an eye opener to say the least. Since then I have been eliminating meat completely from my diet. I still have dairy products such as fat free milk, fat free cheese and egg whites. I am hoping to get rid of these in the coming weeks. My biggest concern is eating tofu (soy), I have read several articles online regarding its estrogen levels, and it being link to Thyroid and Prostate Cancer. Another minor issue is finding the right powder protein shake that does not include soy and doesn't taste horrible. I think this forum is great and I look forward to sharing experiences with all of you. Best regards, J.
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