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Posts posted by Kip

  1. Hey Forum,


    I've been training for a few years now as a raw vegan and figured I'd run my routine by you in case you spot anything you'd recommend adding / changing / removing.


    I train every second day. I begin with a light meal of usually not much more than a simple piece of fruit. I first stretch and then begin with a 3 KM inclined run on my treadmill.


    Then I weight train in the following order:

    - Barbell squats

    - Barbell rows

    - Barbell shrugs

    - Barbell sitting military press

    - Dumbell flys

    - Barbell bench press

    - Barbell curls

    - Abdominal roller on floor


    I then have a shake which always contains 10 tbs of hemp seeds turned into mylk, usually carob powder, and a variety of whatever fruits I happen to have on hand. I've also started taking L glutamine powder between meals.

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