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Posts posted by VeganRican

  1. Hi Everyone! I know I'm SUPER new around here, but I'm sure hoping you can help me out.

    I'm following the Body-for-life weightlifting/cardio plan, but trying to keep my meals Vegan.


    Here's a Sample day, PLEASE feel free to tell me if I'm doing this right:



    Green Smoothie: 1/2 cup of Raw Oatmeal, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 banana, 1 cup almond milk, scoop of Vegan Protein Powder, 2 table spoons of ground flax seeds



    1 apple / Handful of Raw almonds

    20 oz water bottle



    Veggie and Bean Soup with Joseph's flat bread or brown rice with tofu/veggie stir fry

    20 oz water bottle



    Green Smoothie: 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1/2 banana, 1 cup of almond milk, Tofu, Chia seeds


    Dinner: A Huge salad with beans

    20 oz water bottle


    Dessert: Do I really need this meal? If I do, I was thinking...protein shake.


    Thanks SO MUCH for your help!



  2. Hello Fellow Vegan Body Builders!


    I've been on and off a Vegan diet for almost 3 years, for health reasons, primarily. I find I feel the most energy when I eat clean, and try to keep it High Raw. Unfortunately, though, I seem to crave refined sugar, gluten and dairy, and it's not long before the desire for all three of those derail my efforts.


    A month ago, I started lifting weights in order to seriously change my body. I've never tried as hard as I'm trying now, to make real and lasting life changes with my diet and exercise program. I'm even paying for a trainer! Finally, I'm LOVING the exercise program, but as you well know, diet is 85% of your results, and I have NOT done well in this area...


    I've been lifting weights for 7 weeks, and because I believed the whole "gotta eat animal protein to build muscle" thing, I've been eating meat and dairy.


    Problem? One, I'm lactose intolerant (stupid of me to eat dairy, I know), two, well, meat grosses me out!!!!!! So, I haven't been consistent! 7 weeks have gone by, and I've lost a total of 2 pounds! Yea, pretty pathetic. Well, maybe I gained muscle....but I doubt it.


    I'm here because I need as much advice as I can get. I really want to be reassured that I can build muscle on a vegan diet, and I need as many recipe ideas (that balance complex carb, protein, and healthy fat) as I can get.


    I hope you guys can help me. I entered a fitness challenge that is 18 weeks long. 7 weeks have passed, and I feel like I've wasted all this time, because I didn't eat right. I have 11 weeks left, and I really want to see CHANGE. Please help!

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