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Everything posted by superwomyn

  1. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I actually got my act together tonight and my husband and I made a raw dinner (marinara and zucchini pasta with a big salad). It was great. Both of us are comfortably full and I'm not itching for my soy ice cream like I normally do. My husband is very supportive -- he's agreed to help me buy more raw stuff and try new raw recipes! Woohoo! Maybe I'll actually feel better tomorrow morning instead of full from dinner the night before (which is how I normally feel, ugh). I'm really hoping I can meet a few gals that are into figure competitions on this board... anyone, anyone, buhler, buhler?
  2. Thanks! I met you earlier this year in Seattle at VegFest -- you had a booth there and I bought your movie. It was pretty inspiring. It's cool that you're so active on the forums and community. Thanks again for the warm welcome!
  3. Hi, My name is Jana and I've been mostly vegetarian for about 5 years now. I have always been allergic to dairy and I recently found out I'm allergic to eggs as well. I still eat fish occassionally, so I guess you could call me a pesca-vegan or something. Anyway, I really love lifting weights and exercising but I have had a hard year and have slacked off a lot -- I have put on about 10 pounds and I can tell that most of the muscle mass I had before has started to turn into mush! I really want to get back into training more regularly and it would be awesome to meet some other vegan weight-lifters/figure competitors/body builders in the Seattle area. I have also recently gotten turned onto the whole raw food movement and have been wanting to move more towards a raw diet but I've been having a hard time doing that on my own. I think I really just need to get some support from people in the Seattle area who are into fitness and raw foods. Anyone out there? Thanks for listening and I look forward to meeting some of you!
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