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Everything posted by johnbiggity

  1. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll try to keep this updated every couple weeks or so. I'm not so sure if there is 'no such thing as a hardgainer'. Obviously some people have faster metabolisms and have ectomorphic body types less conducive to building mass; thus, it's harder for them to gain. Not impossible though! What you said about sleep is interesting. I'll look into it for sure.
  2. A little background--- I'm a college student and I've been vegan for about 4 years. I've ALWAYS been very skinny even though I eat a ton. I've lifted on and off for the past couple years and have had little/moderate success gaining weight. However, the past couple months of school have been pretty stressful/busy and I've lost a lot of the gains I made. I'm posting on this board to try to motivate myself to stick to my routine... (still feel a little bit dumb posting shirtless pictures of myself on the internet). Height: 5'9 1/2" Weight: 150lbs. I'm starting off on a split-day lifting schedule 5 days a week. In addition, I'm planning on taking in 5000+ calories a day with 150g+ of protein. My goal is to add on a solid 10 pounds of muscle to get to 160lbs. Any suggestions are welcome! Before picture.
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