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Posts posted by MichelleRisley

  1. I see you tried some intervals. Great!!


    I know it's difficult, but try not to get discouraged when the scale temporarily stalls. This is when progress photos (and measurements) come in handy. Sometimes fat loss and muscle gain will be about the same, and the scale won't move much. But you will be able to see that you're getting leaner by photos, measurements, and the way your clothes fit.


    But also keep in mind that sometimes weight loss will just stall. That's when it's really important to change things. So along with the intervals, you can also add burpees, jump ropes, mountain climbers, etc., between your weight training sets. It's like doing interval cardio during weight training. Another thing you can do is change weight, reps, sets during weight training. Or change the types of exercises &/or hand/foot positions...the variables are endless. The key is to change things up. The human body is very good at adapting to what you throw at it. That's why it's important to vary things to keep your body challenged.

  2. 1/18/12



    113.8 lbs



    Bis & tris



    5 min on eliptical

    Sun salutations


    Bb curls: 4 x 8, plus 1 set to failure


    Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 10, plus 1 set to failure


    Db hammer curls 3 sets to failure


    Close grip db presses 4 x 8, plus 1 set to failure


    Cable pressdowns 4 x 10, plus 1 set to failure


    Db skull crushers 4 x 15, plus 1 set to failure



    10 min




    Total macros:

    Carbs 300 gm

    Protein 147 gm

    Fat 65 gm



    5 liters

  3. 1/17/12



    113.4 lbs



    Chest / delts



    External rotations

    Sun salutations


    Incline db press: 4 x 10, plus 1 set to failure


    Flat bench flys: 3 x 15, plus 1 set to failure


    Pushups with feet on a ball: 4 sets to failure


    Side laterals: 4 x 12, plus 2 sets to failure


    Shoulder press machine (neutral grip): 4 x 10, plus 1 set to failure


    Db rear laterals: 3 x 15, plus 2 sets to failure


    Rope upright rows: 2 x 20



    10 min




    Total macros:

    Carbs 297 gm

    Protein 148 gm

    Fat 69 gm



    5 liters

  4. 1/16/12



    113.8 lbs





    Warmup: Sun salutations


    Leg extensions: 5 x 12-15


    Bb squats: 5 x 10


    Smith machine squats: 4 x 10, 1 x 20


    Superset: 4 x 10 each

    Bb stiff leg deadlifts

    Db bench lunges


    Superset: 4 x 10 each

    Leg curls

    Cable squats


    Calf raises (smith machine): 4 x 15, 1 x 25


    Stretching: 15 min




    Total macros:

    Carbs 301 gm

    Protein 148 gm

    Fat 63 gm



    5 liters

  5. 1/14/12



    112.8 lbs

    Weight is steadily increasing, which is great!! The tweaking in my splits is working. I want to add a little more size (I'd like my weight to be around 115 lbs) before I begin pre-contest in 6-8 weeks. Looking at my progress photos, the added weight doesn't appear to be body fat. I will also be getting my % body fat done again soon.



    "Bonus day" for a little extra emphasis on a few body parts



    10 minutes on eliptical


    Superset: 5 x 10

    Cable curls

    Cable pressdowns



    Db curls 5 x 10

    Dips 5 x 20


    Superset: 3 x 10, plus one to failure

    Side laterals

    Rear laterals


    Smith machine squats: 5 x 15


    Lunges: 4 x 15


    Bench step-ups: 3 x 15


    Leg curls: 1 x 50, used rest-pause until I reached the full 50 reps; first failure was around 33 reps



    15 minutes




    Total macros:

    Carbs 303 gm

    Protein 149 gm

    Fat 64 gm



    5 liters




  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your finger, Jesse. Just do what you can. But if you have to, lay off the weight training and get in as much cardio as you can this week.


    Your weight is still steadily dropping. Yay!! Be patient and keep at it. You didn't put on the extra weight in a few weeks; so it won't all come off (permanently) that quickly. You're doing great! Keep it up! : )


    I'll take a look at things more closely and send you an email shortly.

  7. 1/13/12



    112.8 lbs



    Rest day


    I'm changing my workout split again. This week has been slightly modified. But beginning next week, I'm going to a 4-day split, plus an additional "bonus day" to hit some body parts a second time. And I will only be doing cardio once per week. This is my plan for the next 6 weeks or so. Depending on how I look around mid-February, I will begin my pre-contest phase somewhere between the end of February and mid-March, which would give me 12-14 weeks pre-contest for a June show.




    Total macros:

    Carbs 298 gm

    Protein 149 gm

    Fat 69 gm



    5 liters

  8. 1/11/12:



    112.6 lbs



    Chest / delts



    Internal & external rotations

    Sun Salutations


    Incline db presses: 4 x 10 (last set to failure)


    Incline flys: 4 x 15


    Pushups: 4 x failure


    Machine shoulder presses: 4 x 10


    Side laterals: 5 x 15 (last set to failure)


    Rear laterals: 5 x 15 (last set to failure)



    10 minutes





    Carbs 296 gm

    Protein 153 gm

    Fat 71 gm



    5 liters

  9. Email me with an update when you get a chance. How are you feeling? I see that your weight hasn't gone down. But that doesn't mean you're not improving!! Remember, the scale is a tool. But it's not the whole picture. Take some more progress photos and compare them to the "before" shots. You may just be retaining a little water OR you may have put on a little more muscle, which would be GREAT!


    As soon as you can get into the habit of tracking macros, I can zero in on small changes you may be able to make. Your increase in water is good. Keep it going!


    Your workouts look great! : )

  10. 1/10/12:



    112.4 lbs



    No weight training. 30 minutes pre-breakfast cardio.



    Water with glutamine and BCAAs prior to cardio.


    Meal 1: (post-cardio)

    Green smoothie with banana, baby spinach, brown rice protein powder, BCAAs, glutamine


    Meal 2:

    Steel cut oats with cinnamon, raw walnuts, an apple


    Meal 3:

    Lentil and eggplant soup

    Marinated kale and broccoli


    Meal 4:

    Mixed greens salad with seitan, purple onion, red bell pepper

    Homemade raw cashew dressing

    Sweet potato


    Meal 5:

    Black bean soup with sliced avocado


    Meal 6:

    Edamame & sushi


    Before bed:

    Hummus and veggies

    Water with glutamine



    Carbs 297 gm

    Protein 148 gm

    Fat 67 gm



    5 liters

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