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Everything posted by kbartlett

  1. I get in a minimum of one workout per day, oftentimes more, I drink plenty of fluids, I promote my healthy changes to others to help them as well
  2. Over the last year being Vegan has changed me in many ways. It has opened my eyes to many things I was unaware of like factory farming, the true impact on the environment, water waste, and the numerous human health benefits associated with a plan based lifestyle. On top of all this it has allowed me to focus on losing 100 pounds in that same year. The final thing being vegan has changed for me is it has pushed me to follow my passion for health, fitness & nutrition and become certified as a personal trainer and as a nutrition advisor. I have come full circle in this trek to really focus on helping people understand a plant based lifestyle through various channels like my website, blog as well as through my online and in person personal training and fitness system. It has also allowed me to get connected with companies like Fresh N Lean whom I represent and provide home delivered vegan, diabetic and nutritious weekly meals. The very best part of this journey is getting to know people like Robert Cheeke and Derek Tresize, meeting other vegans in my community and online. In 2012 I plan on taking this much further and really pushing my limits to make a full time career out of all that I have learned and pursue other education involving a plant based lifestyle and its numerous benefits! My blog and website can be seen at http://kelsprofit.webs.com Kel Bartlett
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