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Everything posted by vegantiger

  1. Love the peaceful lifestyle, lost weight, smell better, feel better, no more joint pain, no more illness, growing hair back and coming in darker, more energy, no more phlegm, no more foot odor, nails are stronger, teeth are stronger, healthier & whiter, eyesight is better, hearing is better, thinking is better, no more foggy mental thoughts, thinking is better and clearer, breathing is best ever, I can exercise again and am getting all my muscle tone back, more focused and conscious eating so I'm eating when hungry and no more emotional eating, with low fat raw vegan eating I no longer have cravings for sugar and chocolate and any other damaging addictions, no more constipation or irritable bowel syndrome or bloating, clear urine, no more need for deoderant, I also use only vegan soaps and detergents, etc. etc. I'm sure there's more....
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