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Posts posted by kathymtns

  1. I weigh 165 lbs. I am not sure of my body fat. I did a handheld calcuator at the gym a while back and I was at 24%, but I weighed a little less than I do now. My TDEE is 2164 calories a day. I couldn't get the test to work on bodybuilding.com. The weight I need to lose is all in my stomach.



  2. I don't know what my problem is with sleeping. I didn't really fall asleep until after 3:30 am last night. I think tonight I will try melatonin and some chamomile tea. I have been taking over the counter sleeping pills with melatonin and it really makes me groggy in the morning and really doesn't help my sleep.


    My weight hasn't changed, maybe tomorrow I will do some measurements.


    leg workout: triset


    1. leg press machine- 4x6 ( 145-160 lbs.)

    2. bulgarian split squat- 4x12

    3. leg extension- 4x24 ( 95-100 lbs.)


    1. straight leg deadlift- 4x6 ( 60 lb. e-z bar)

    2. glute kickbacks- 4x 12 each leg( 60-75 lbs.)

    3. lying hamstring curl- 4x24 ( 40-45 lbs.)


    1. step ups with 10 lb. weights - 4x10 each leg

    2. seated calf raises- 4x45


    stationary bike- 15 min. intervals



    B: 4 c. lemon water, 1 c. cooked oatmeal with pumpkin, stevia and hemp seeds

    S: green smoothie

    L: 1 c. " fried rice" with 1/2 c. tofu

    S: green smoothie

    D: hummus on brown rice tortilla with veggies, salad

    S: oatmeal with 1/2 apple

  3. jmf, what is your opinion of my macros? I am trying to lose weight. I have 15-20 lbs. that I want to lose. I have some good muscle, but would like some definition.


    I am currently eating a little over 1800 calories a day.


    All are according to fitness pal. I put in the grams I wanted to eat.

    carbs- 51%

    fat- 30%

    protein- 20%



    In grams:

    carbs: 230

    fat- 60

    protein- 90

  4. I had a better day of eating today. It was still a crazy day with a lot going on, but I did eat better. Now I just need to sleep better.


    Workout today was back and bicep. Those pullups kill me. Hopefully soon I will be able to do pullups without the assisted machine. I did lower the weight to 50 and did 5 reps a couple of times. I felt good about that. Other than that the workout was pretty much the same as before.



    B: 4 c. lemon water, 1 c. oatmeal with pumpkin, hemp seed and stevia

    S: green smoothie

    L: leftover red lentil and veggie soup, 1 rice cake

    S: green smoothie

    D: homemade "fried" rice with tofu

    S: oatmeal with a banana

  5. I do use melatonin. Most of the time it works great for me. Sometimes it doesn't work at all. I don't know if my body adjusts to the dosage.


    It has been a crazy past few days. I had my daughter's bridal shower on Saturday and a ton of other things to do. But I did get my workout in on Saturday.

    I had a great workout today as well.

    Pretty much the same thing I have been doing. I did chest, tricep and abs today. I did the same weights. Although I did up my weight on overhead tricep extension to 40 lbs. I did 2 sets at this weight. So that was good.


    My food has been crazy today. I have stayed within my calorie range, but could have eaten better.

    B: 1 c. oatmeal with pumpkin, stevia and hemp seeds

    S: green smoothie

    L: rice crackers-16

    S: green smoothie

    D: costa vida salad with corn tortilla, rice, black beans and guacamole

    S: bowl of brown rice crips cereal with a little almond milk

    S: rice cake with 1 tbsp. almond butter, 1/2 banana


    Hopefully I will be able to eat better tomorrow and it won't be such a crazy day

  6. I feel like today has been a crazy busy day and I know the rest of the week will be that way too. I did weigh myself yesterday and I lost 2 lbs. Pretty proud of myself. I always worry though, because sometimes I may lose 2 lbs. and then gain it back the next week. I am going to work hard to see if I can lose more weight next week instead of gaining it back.


    Leg day( killer) Tirsets


    1. leg press 4x6 ( 145-160 lbs.)

    2. bulgarian split squat 4x12- no weight

    3. leg extension- 4x24 ( 95-100 lbs.)


    1. straight leg deadlift- 4x6( 60 lb.)

    2. glute kickbacks- 4x12 on each leg( 55-70 lbs.)

    3. lying hamstring curl- 4x24 ( 40-45 lbs.)


    1. step ups- 4x 10 each leg

    2. standing calf raises- 4x20( 45 lbs. plate)


    Stationary bike- intervals- 15 min.


    Food:( crazy day with eating)


    B: 4 c. lemon water, 1 c. cooked oatmeal with pumpkin, hemp seeds, pumpkin spice, stevia

    S: green smoothie( after workout), 1/2 banana ( before workout)

    L: other half of green smoothie and a few pop chips( need to eat more whole foods)

    S: don't know yet

    D: probably hummus on brown rice tortilla with veggies

    S: oatmeal

  7. I know I am not a guy, but I do agree with eating whole foods. I do smoothies every day and limit juices to every once in a while. I did do a detox program a while back and was eating a lot of whole foods, especially fruits and veggies and noticed I was not as thirsty, so I didn't drink as much water. I think it was from all the water in the fruits and veggies.


    Great job on losing the weight!

  8. I slept better last night, but used some sleeping aids to help me.


    Workout: Trisets


    1. pullups- 4x8-10( 70 lbs.) assisted

    2. bent over row- 4x10 ( 50 lbs.)

    3. pullups AMRAP- ( 70-60 lbs.) assisted- 4-8


    1. straight arm pulldown- 4x10( 80-90lbs.)

    2. seated on ground row- 4x10- 110-130 lbs.


    1. incline bicep curl- 4x8-10 ( 15-20 lbs.)

    2. preacher curl 4x8-10 ( added 10 lbs. to bar)

    3. incline bicep curl- 4x AMRAP( 20 lbs)


    Rowing machine- 15 min. - 3143 meters



    B: same

    S: green smoothie

    L: brown rice tortilla with hummus, lettuce, tomato and 16 pop chips

    S: green smoothie

    D: homemade fries, spring mix salad with chickpeas, mango and strawberries

    S: if hungry quinoa with almond milk

  9. I have increased my carbs a little. I feel better when I eat that way. I did sleep good on Saturday night, but last night I had troubles sleeping again. When I don't sleep good, I sit and watch Duran Duran videos( weird I know). I am hoping I sleep better tonight.


    Here is my breakdown of how I am eating:


    1820 calories

    230 grams carbs

    60 grams fat

    90 grams protein


    I am hoping this will be good for me and help me lose the weight I need to lose.


    Great workout: Trisets


    1. bench press- 4x6 ( 10-15 lbs. added onto bar)

    2. decline pushups- 4x12

    3. incline chest press- 4x24( 15-20 lbs.)


    1. Overhead tricep extension- 4x6 ( 35-40 lbs.)

    2. skull crushers- 4x12 reps ( 40 lbs.)

    3. tricep rope extension- 4x24 reps( 20 lbs.)


    Abs- 4sets

    1. 1 min plank

    2. side crunches- 20 on each side

    3. russian twists 20 on each side




    B: same as usual

    S: green smoothie

    L: leftover split pea soup

    S: green smoothie, veggie chips

    D: hummus on gluten free tortilla with lettuce and tomato, green beans, veggie chips

    S: 1 c. cooked oatmeal with stevia and 1 banana

    ( I went over on calories by 29, spot on for protein and fat, a little over on carbs)

  10. That is a good idea for increasing the fat and carbs. I am going to try that. I am still having a really hard time sleeping. I haven't posted lately, I have been really busy. I have enjoyed my new workouts though. I just need to sleep good.


    My eating has not been the best, because of all the running around and lack of preparation on my part.


    Thanks again for all the tips and help.

  11. I didn't get a chance to go get that stuff to help me sleep, so I had a horrible night last night sleeping. I don't think I got much sleep at all. When I don't sleep, I tend to suffer from a little depression. I am hoping I sleep better tonight.


    The plus side is it is quiet in my house that time of night.

    Killer workout today. It really kicked my butt. Could be because I am tired, but my son said the same thing.


    All in trisets


    leg press- 4x6( 130-145 lbs.)

    bulgarian split squat-4x12 on each leg- I didn't do weights, I am working on balance still after my ankle

    leg extension- 4x24 ( 100 lbs.)


    stiff legged deadlift with ez bar- 4x6 ( 60 lbs.)

    glute extensions- 4x12 on each leg- (55 lbs.)

    lying hamstring curl- 4x24 reps( 40 lbs.)


    step ups- 4x6 on each leg

    sumo squats with 25 lbs. plate- 4x12

    standing calf raise with 25 lbs. plate 4x 24


    stationary bike- intervals- 15 min.


    Food is pretty much the same as yesterday. I don't know what I am having for dinner yet.

  12. Thanks for the recommendation to help with sleep. I really need it. I am going to check into getting some today. I had a terrible night of sleeping again last night. It is really starting to depress me. I use lavendar essential oils, and melatonin and it doesn't help.


    I spent last night listening to Duran Duran to try and put me to sleep, it didn't help.

    It didn't help my eating when I got up around 5 am and had a pumpkin protein cookie( I guess it wasn't a horrible choice). It would have been okay to get up then, if I had actually had some sleep.


    I did have a good workout though. Man those tri sets are killer.




    Pullups- on assisted machine( I really want to do pullups on my own)- 4x8 reps( 70 lbs.)

    Bent over row with ez bar- 50 lbs.- 4x 10 reps

    pullups on assisted machine- 70 lbs. ( as many reps as possible- I got between 6-10 reps) 4 sets


    straight arm pullovers on cable- 4x10 reps- 70-90 lb.

    seated on floor cable rows- 4x 10 - 90-120 lbs.


    seated bicep curls- 4x10 - 15 lbs.

    preacher curl- 4x8-10 reps- added 10 lb.( don't know how much the bar weighs)

    seated biceps curls- 4x as many reps as possible- 15 lbs. did 8-10 reps.


    Rowing machine- 2500 meters took me a little over 12 min.


    My tricpes were so sore from yesterday.


    Food for today:


    B: 1 c. cooked oatmeal with pumpkin, stevia, hemp seeds, and pumpkin pie spice- 4 c. lemon water


    S: green smoothie- same


    L: leftover minestrone soup with rice crackers and 1 smart dog with mustard


    S: green smoothie- same


    D: " fried rice" with veggies and tofu( maybe , haven't decided yet)


    S: protein shake, apple

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