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Everything posted by Mueller

  1. Ok. I'll make a quick introduction. Ever since reading 'Fast Food Nation' several years ago, I've slowly looked at and readjusted my beliefs and eating habits. First was the elimination of meat and fast food. Then chicken and turkey, ect. For the past year, I've been on a semi Vegan diet that included wild salmon and free range eggs. For most of the week I will eat totally vegan and these were my only exceptions. I've decided to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, eating smaller more frequent meals, working out more and going totally for a few months to see how I feel. Here is my official day 1 sample diet: Breakfast 2 organic apples Natures Path organic instant oatmeal Lunch: Veggie Burger( Pita Pit) Organic Apple Snack: Instant Oatmeal Dinner Ezekiel live grain tortilla(inside organic tofu/soybeans/smalll amount corn/sea salt ) half a kale leaf broken up Smoothie:half an acai pack, 1 organic banana,, handful frozen organic blueberries, 1.5 kale leafs, organic lemonade to give liquid Latenight snack: Half a serving of Edamame and 1 cucumber roll. I feel somewhat lighter and more alter today. Thoughts, advice, pats on the back? Mull
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