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  1. Hello, I'm new to this website, but not new to being vegan or body building. I have been vegetarian for most of my life, taking "breaks" here and there, and I've been very "fit" most of my life. I have gone up and down with my weight, strength, and endurance. I was active duty for 4 years, but those were not my years of best health, but I probably looked very healthy. I am very interested in finally getting it right, all at once. I am easing my way back into being vegan. I'm hoping to go 100% vegan, and at least 60% raw. To start off, I'm pretty much avoiding as much processed, pre-packaged food as possible. I'm also avoiding unnecessary meds and drinks such as coffee, tea, soda (diet and regular), and any kind of sugary drinks that claim to have "natural flavor". I look forward to getting to know everyone here, and my mind is open and ready to learn much of what I've never bothered to learn of in my past. Hopefully one day I can share my knowledge with others. Arigato, T-elos
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