Hi guys, non vegan member here, thought it made sense for me to register an account here since I'm trying to find ways to eliminate meat/dairy from my diet, at least for the most part. As it is, I believe that a good, safe target to aim for regarding protein needs when lifting is about 1.5 grams per kilo of bodyweight, which I think translates to about 0.7 grams per pound. My only problem is that, on a 2,000 calorie diet, I'm falling pretty short of that goal, and the only way to up my protein to the level I need is with shakes - I've tried a plethora of vegan proteins from pea to hemp to rice to a blend of them all, and, avoiding harsh language which truly demonstrates what I thought of them, they were unbearable. With this in mind, the only way for me to get the protein I want is to go for whey (way is the whey!) which obviously isn't vegan, but I need to get an extra 30-40g of protein in my diet to meet my targets, and I can't meet it any other whey (bad pun, I know) Was wondering what advice you people might have for being able to up the protein content of my diet. I should also mention that I'm gluten intolerant, so if recipes involve wheat and the like, it's not something I can go for, unfortunately. Thanks!