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Posts posted by grangi71

  1. looks like a nice bit of kit, ive not seen a turbo type trainer where you dont need the rear wheel


    Yes, real pedaling, seems to be on the road. It's very stable and the tire does not consume.

    There is no possibility to "harden" the resistance, like the normal kind, you can only downshft the rear box and push more than you can!


    I'm waiting the end of this holiday for start seriously to train...yesterday night we have a dinner with collegues, for was soy pizza with tomato and vegatable, beer...ad in the end we taste a kind of ruhm 30 years old. They want 10 euro for a little glass. Results: night without sleep, burning stomach, weak legs. Bad idea....

  2. I'm not a cyclist really but I always felt that stationary bikes seemed off like they didn't feel like I was moving naturally. Same with ellipticals and trendmills and everything indoors. Or do you have a set up where you ride your actual bike and just hook it up to a device so its stationary?




    I used a stationary bike (it was a spinning bike with flywheel 26 Kg., but it was probably the reason of my injury (the pedals wasn't at the same distance to the center of the bike). So you are right.

    But now I use this kind attached. It was a powerful equipment and there is no change in the posture, because I ride with my bike.


    For a lot of cyclists training indoor is very boring, and they avoid to do it! Not for me, with music for hard training and watching some tennis match for a soft one!


  3. I know...I start with the diary but I'm not writing a lot. But the injuries threw me down. After 3 weeks without bike I was pretty well, but saturday I tried a little ride, just 1 our and 30'. I felt pain in the end of the ride, and now seems to have gone back...

    No way, I'll continue with total body, body pump and crossfit because they allow me to do some cardio works.


    I'm looking for some good doctor, but he may be very good, I don't want spend money for nothing.

  4. I had no much to write...it's sad but are in this 9-10 days without bike, my pains are almost gone. Ehm..I try to explain better what I mean: it's good have less pain, but if the cause is really the bike.....

    Strange, but it's really the position on the bike that compresses somewhere and cause inflammation.


    For the moment I add a lesson of body pump, this saturday i think I will try with crossfitness...and I'm looking for some martial art near my house. I used to practiced QWAN KI DO (it's a kind of kung fu) some years ago, but I stopped to devote myself to bike. Maybe it's time to start over???


    I remember I was very very flexible when I used to do it...only cycling make you stiff!

  5. Bad news, my pain is worsened again.

    Wednesday I'll have a meeting with physiotherapist, because I suspect to have an inflammation in the piriformis muscle. I think so because I feel pain when i sit, not during movement (after some minuts of warm up).


    For the moment I packed the bike, the only way to be sure don't use it


    I try with 2 months stop, I'm tired to train with pain in my sx legs.


    Seems will be gym and fitness for now....

  6. I started this morning to monitor wy weight. I'm 62 Kg. and that's good!

    I remember 2 years ago, I did a serious program with a trainer that asked me to monitor every morning my heart beats and the weight (more fitness=less heart beats you know....but to much fitness may increase your beats at rest). Anyway my weight was about 59 Kg. So the gym have some effect on me in the end!

    Only difference my body fat percentage. It was about 7%, now maybe 10-12% (this is my estimate).


    Today fitness lesson where was squat, squat, squat!! Without any weight, but it was hard the same. The worst it's to remain in isometric squat position for 1 minute or more, then reprise up and down, then stop isometric again and so on!

    I think this is a good job for my legs!

  7. My garden was green with flowers years ago...then I thought: why all this work for nothing?? So I started with vegetable, and it is nice...but not simple. Isn't easy grow "bio" vegetables, there are a lot of insects and diseas. For example, in this moment an invisible little animal is eating all my cabbages!


    My injury is still the same, come and go without any apparent reason. I did a lot of examination in the past, but seems there is nothing specific. so now we live together!!

  8. After a friday of rest, yesteday was gym time!


    I tired again with the squat, 53 kg with 6 x 5...with the trainer we are thinking about the opportunity to switch in a different tipe of work: 1 minute squat (with lower load) and 30" rest for 2-3 times. This is more functional to the bike effort...anyway for me maybe it's to early, I would prefer try to grown my little legs and later do this kind of specifical work.


    5x5 bench press with 43 kg, for the moment I'm not able to handle much load.


    5x5 chins


    2 exercises for biceps


    It's not a lot, but after I had a short ride (1 hour) with 1 uphill 10' always above 220 watt.



    This morning abother ride for 2 hours, flat road without push hard. I had not much time, because my vegetable garden needed some works. I like to have my own fresh vegetables, and in this moment remain just: cabbage, broccoli, the very last eggplants and leeks! Tht's enough, the winter is coming...

  9. As scheduled today 1 hour of fitness ... a lot of work on the step, heavy bar for the shoulders and the usual abdominal / buttocks on the ground.

    I'll see tonight if I'll do 50' on the stationary bike (recovery).


    Meanwhile I should start fixing a few goal for the next season.

    Usually the preparation start with a period call " base" divided into 3 time of 3 weeks each, where to increase the load gradually working on endurance, skill and alternative work (running, swimming, gym, etc. . ) . The intensity is lower, long workouts .


     Then follow other 2 " Build" phases of 2 weeks each where the work becomes more specific, working on the own weak points and to increase the FTP (functional threshold power - the exercise is the typical 2x20' medium/high intensity , just in between aerobic and anaerobic ).


    After that we have the the "peak" period where try to improve strenghts; it's time to perform short stressful jobs ( anaerobic ). Finally its' race period!! workouts are very specific and intense , short , with days of rest. The athlete level fitness in general goes down a little bit, offset by the greater freshness that makes it possible to achieve high performance.

    After the race period, we come back to build period to increase fitness again, waiting for the next race stage!


    I do not know if such a scheme is applicable to bodybuilding ...



    P.S.: this in not my own idea, but I took it from the book: "the cyclist's training bible" by Joe Friel.

  10. Hey Beppe,


    It is great to see a cyclist here with a training blog! Look forward to reading it.



    thanks stopping by! I'm glad there is people like it!!



    Today was a beautiful sunny day in Italy, so time to bike outdoor!

    The program was 1 hour alternating between 20' Z2 (easy work) and 5' Z3 (light/medium aerobic work).


    In the end I mede 1 hour and half of totally free ride... I found a friend on the road so we started to talk about our team, next season targets and other.

    Considering we are in the beginning of the season this is not a problem, indeed it was nice!


    Waiting for 7.00 pm time for Pilates, hope help me with my various pains.


    Yesterday night I updated my software files for the new season. Goldel chetaah it's great to monitor fitness and fatigue and sustainable critical power refer to time.

    In the next posts, I will insert my 2013 profile and other details. Maybe they are a little bit technical, but they works.

  11. Daily updates. As planned Total body at the gym. Today a lot of isometric works, jumps and abdominals (where I'm a disaster!). I really hard to work sitting while keeping the legs raised, I denote a weakness of the whole area.


    Unfortunately my back / hip / thigh is back to bother me. I'm awaiting the 20th of this month to go to hte osteopath (although I have little hope, having already tried everything).


    To continue my bike training, tomorrow should reach the triathlon saddle, those that allow you to flex your torso and eliminate perineal pressure.


    However, go ahead, it is already hard to come prepared for the season starting from now ...

  12. That's the same for me grangi71, I've always struggled to gain weight (currently 67kg at 5'11"), and when I made a conscious effort to try and hit 3000 calories a day whilst doing stronglifts I did gain weight, but mostly fat around my gut.


    Since going vegan I've lost the fat around my gut, thankfully, but I still really struggle to put weight on and hit a decent amount of calories. I think that we share the same problem in that we're doing too much cardio, you on the bike, and me in crossfit classes, but to be honest I enjoy crossfit so much I wouldn't want to stop, and I think you and I probably just need to eat a lot more to compensate. Perhaps cut out one thing at a time from your diet and see if something is bloating you.



    Hi Andi,


    yes it's hard to gain weight( and muscle)!!


    Starting from the bottom of your post, it's a good tip looking for that foods that can bloating me. Like pasta...even if I'm italian I dont' eat a lot of it, I prefer potatoes, spelt, barley, wild rice.

    Maybe to much fruits? I eat a lot during the day, especially apple!

  13. It's nice read about your diet!

    Mine it's a little bit confusing.... I like banana and avocado for breakfast, with a shaker of protein (hemp in this period) melted with soy milk.

    I have another one shaker of protein and maltodextrin before the gym, vegetables with legumes immediately after.


    At the moment my weight it's about 61 kg. I'm an hard gainer (maybe because I do a lot of fitness on the bike)...but when a try to eat a lot to gain weight, usually increase only my belly!!

  14. Today I started my preparation, with 2 sessions, gym and bike:


    1. Around 13.00 in the gym:


    Deadlifts 6x5 with 30 kg


    Bench press 4x8 with 38 kg


    Lat machine 3 x 6 with 45kg


    seated front military press with 20 kg


    french press 3x8 18kg


    1x30 pull down with 15 kg


    2. After work, around 18.00, on the stationary bike; for true I use the Lemond Revolution bike trainer, so I can stay on my bike without change position, It works very well, stable and very real!


    My program was only 1 hour in Z2 (it's a quite ride very aerobic, though it's relative to power) with 4 sprint 15" over Z7 (it means a hard effort over, for me, 380 watt). 10' minuts in the final very light.


    That's all, but I learned that it's important start very easy.


    Last thing: my back/gorin pain has come back a little... I hoped was behind, I'm afrain I will suffer once again this year!!

  15. In that picture did you win the race?


    No...only 11° if I remember well!

    Like I told in another post, there is a lot of ex- PRO racers in our competitions...like this guy, for example, I met this summer in a race:




    They still race for passion, they have time to train, they are strong!! So it's very hard to win...anyway my best classification it's a 4° position (no podium:-))

  16. No work today, the gym it's closed...so, between some houseworks (with Iggy Pop's music) I found the time for a ride.

    Just 1 hour and 30' in flat terrain, a quite ride only to resume.


    Not to hot, not to cold (12-13°C with a pale sun), it was great!


    Later I will open a new profile on Golden Cheetah, for the new season; it's a good free software to collect data with powermeter, but I think it works well with the cardio training too.

  17. Today fitness time!


    After 10 min treadmill I start my 1 hour lesson; a lot of step up and down, lunges and in the end abdominal - "core".


    Starting from the next week, compared to last year I want to mantein 2 aerobic lessons in my program to prevent back pain and grown strain (I was affected from it in the past).

    About strenght and upper body, I'll do two workout a day (when possible) one in the weight room (lunch break) one on stationary bike (befor dinner).

    Let's go!

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