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Everything posted by Maggiemae

  1. Your father is really doing great going to the gym. I bet he looks younger than his age! I think it's wonderful he's becoming a vegan. You'll now be able to feel confident about his health since eating meat causes so much disease. My trainer isn't a vegan. He has a great body and has never trained anyone who is a vegan. I'm going to be able to show him that I can build muscle without animal protein.
  2. Ernestine Shepherd and Kelly Nelson (deceased) are my inspiration. I am finally going to work with a trainer as although I know a lot about bodybuilding, I haven't been very consistent and haven't gotten anywhere with it. I've always been very physical and now find myself sitting at a computer (standing also at the raised keyboard) much of 5 days a week. I have my own in-house typing/secretarial business and have a lot of work every day. I've always loved lifting weights and love going to a gym. If there are any female bodybuilders in their 60s and 70s, I would love to know who are. If not, I have Ernestine Shepherd to emulate. There is a lot I need to find out about diet. Being a vegan, I'm not sure about all this protein vegan bodybuilders are supposed to consume. Since Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. T. Colin Campbell approve of "Shred It" it must be safe to consume a larger amount of protein than 80-10-10 I have a lot to learn and I look forward to reading posts to get good ideas here. Kathy Cromartie (Atlanta, Georgia)
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