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Posts posted by Miligan

  1. New Product Development is a concept that involves bringing a new product to market using basic market principles. In other words, it is the process of turning market needs into ideas that are realized with the help of a finished product.

    How it works? A new product is being generated that can be useful in the market. Analysis is carried out and ideas are born. They are tested and a concept is created. For example, a company may create a service that is useful to their customers. It is unique, or is the best version of already existing products.

    As a result, a product is developed, which is placed, say, on the company's website. And this is already a popular service, and the site becomes popular and useful, thanks to which the company grows and makes a profit.

    Developing a new product has many challenges. Among them is to make the exit efficient, fast and less costly, focused on the market and needs, economically justified. For business, the last point is the most important, but other factors must be considered.

    Product development helps a company become more competitive, especially in the face of technological growth and change, improve customer interactions, and scale.

  2. Hello, at the stage of business planning, you should familiarize yourself with the general provisions on the taxation of economic activities, as well as find out the features of the tax regime for the type of business that you plan to do. If in the first case you can get the necessary information yourself from existing information resources, then for details you should contact the relevant specialists of irs edison - accountants, lawyers or auditors.

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