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Posts posted by thefastinggod

  1. Hi Everyone!

    My name is Brandon Alexander Adams!

    New to the forums and looking to network, chat, debate and have fun!

    I'm a fasting coach. I have 10+ years fasting and coaching clients through weight loss, productivity and optimal mental and physical health with fasting as my foundational tool.

    If anyone is interested in connecting creating cool projects or my coaching services feel free to reach out! I'm eager to meet you guys!

    I also wrote a book on Fasting called FASTsecrets available on Gumroad if anyone is interested! The sales have gone through the roof and currently top 5 ebooks with a 5 star rating on the platform!

    Feel free to purchase it!

    Otherwise would love to connect with you all!

    Talk soon!

  2. I'm Brandon Alexander Adams aka The Fasting God!

    Just joined the community and would love to know what your experience is fasting?

    I've been fasting 10+ years and I've experimented with every fasting protocol you can think of!

    Would love to connect with other's who've tried it out or those interested in trying it out!

    I wrote an ebook on Fasting called FASTsecrets available on Gumroad which has been getting non-stop 5 star reviews!

    Drop a comment would love to make new connections!


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