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  1. Thanks C.O. It would be really great to have vegan bodybuilders represented!
  2. I hope this is appropriate to post here. I know Robert mentioned Ed, a finalist in PETA US' sexy vegan contest, a few weeks back. PETA UK has launched their own version. So, any British or Irish vegan bodybuilders out there who fancy showing off, please enter: http://features.peta.org.uk/sexiest-vegan/Submit.aspx
  3. Hey Dylan, Thanks! Still working away slowly. Fitness level is up, which is nice. And my diet is sorted (cut out the junk). Am planning to start seriously hitting the gym in October
  4. I also only buy proteins online. I try and buy direct from manufacturers. Braham & Murray farm hemp in Devon, and sell protein at http://www.goodwebsite.co.uk/. For pea protein I buy from http://www.pulsin.co.uk.
  5. VegFest UK in Bristol claim's to be the "world's biggest vegan event." I'm not sure what their definition of big is though. http://www.bristol.vegfest.co.uk/ It is a good day out.
  6. Hi, I'm new to the boards, and new to working out I'm a Canadian, based in London, UK, and working for an animal rights charity. As an unfit vegan, just starting out a workout regimen, I'm really struggling. The goal is to lose the gut and build muscle. Being motivated by action, I found a muay thai trainer who I am seeing twice a week. The plan was muay thai on Monday and Friday, and weights on Wednesday. The mauy thai trainer works me hard, and leaves my muscles exhausted. The problem is that they are still sore a week after a work out, preventing me from working out again comfortably. Is this pain normal? Is it because I am new to working out? Is there something I can do to speed recovery? I take hemp and pea protien right after a workout, and twice a day. And eat a high protien vegan diet with lots of sprouted beans, tofu, seiten etc. I am reading through Robert's book now, hoping to find some help in there. In the meantime, do you have any hints, tips or instructions as to how I might speed recovery? Do you know of any supplements that might assist me? Any advice will be very much appreciated. Cheers, Blish
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