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Binge Eating

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I really don't know what is wrong with me, I just can't seem to stop binge eating lately. I've always had issues with binging, but lately it has been alot worse. I don't know if it is just that i am so stressed out. I don't even want to do it, its almost like i cant stop myself. I hate it. I feel so out of control....

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i've been known for binge eating as well. i binge for 1 of 2 reasons. first being, i feel lonely, depressed, stressed. in that case, i eat foods until i feel like my stomach is going to burst - it temporarily satiates me. the second reason i binge is out of boredom. in the second case, i eat nonstop all day - never waiting to get hungry in between.


which are you presently doing - mass quantities in short amount of time or continual eating? it will make a difference what i recommend.


add high protein/high fiber/low fat foods. the protein and fiber will leave you feeling full (satisfied) sooner. don't try to avoid carbs. carbs boost the brains serotonin which will boost your mood. make sure you used the "boosted mood" however to resolve the stress. keep the carbs complex.


what about lollipops? chewing gum? chewing on pens?


brush you teeth with really strong toothpaste. use strong mouthwash. that usually dissuades me from wanting to eat for a while.

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I find the only thing that works for me is logically looking at the situation, and seeing that eating isn't actually making me happy in the long run, I always regret over-eating. Then I am able to control myself if I want to. I think it is possible to teach yourself discipline if you really want to do it.

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hey chesty...go to my blog. on the top right corner you see a box to create your own blog. click it, follow the steps and whah lah!!!!


then share with me so we can keep each other honest.


i've been thinking to post items and WW points but i dunno if you plan to follow that style diet at all. if so, lemme know and i'll post points, along with recipes occassionally with points determined.


la la.

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i balance out binge eating with meth binges so i stay pretty trim.


Ha! Unfortunately, I've worked extensively with meth addicts. So, I laugh a little lighter.

??? i'm being serious. it has a tendency to curb my appetite.

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Think the binge could be a hormonal thing?


I have a pre-menstrual binge just about every month that lasts a few days. No matter how much I eat, no matter how full I am, I'm still ravenous. I could easily eat every hour on the hour. It's definitely worse if I have chips, chocolate, pizza, and other junk food around. I especially crave chinese food. YUM! My strategy: A huge bowl of steamed veggies or some oatmeal with lots of cinnamon and only a bit of sweetener will usually satisfy enough to slow me down and keep the calories somewhat under control. (only somewhat!)


I don't worry about it too much, since I usually have a few days a month where I'm just not that hungry and could easily make it through the day on just a couple pieces of fruit and feel just fine. Probably, it all balances out in the end.

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Think the binge could be a hormonal thing?


I have a pre-menstrual binge just about every month that lasts a few days. No matter how much I eat, no matter how full I am, I'm still ravenous. I could easily eat every hour on the hour. It's definitely worse if I have chips, chocolate, pizza, and other junk food around. I especially crave chinese food. YUM! My strategy: A huge bowl of steamed veggies or some oatmeal with lots of cinnamon and only a bit of sweetener will usually satisfy enough to slow me down and keep the calories somewhat under control. (only somewhat!)


I don't worry about it too much, since I usually have a few days a month where I'm just not that hungry and could easily make it through the day on just a couple pieces of fruit and feel just fine. Probably, it all balances out in the end.


Me too.....man there are some days I can just EAT. It sucks but it goes away eventually. I unfortunately do get carb-cravings when I'm stressed too though....and even though I KNOW I don't need to eat and it won't help, I still find myself doing it....horrible habit. I've been struggling to break it for years.

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