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  1. Wow. compassionategirl, I totally ignored the existence of such an equation. I'm gonna put it to practice. I don't wanna be burnin' no hard earned muscle with cardio! Fanks!
  2. Soy Milk. Oatmeal. Lentils. Kidney Beans. Garden Burgers. Smart Dogs. Smart Ground. Tofu. Couscous. Brocoli. Carrots. Strawberries. Bananas.
  3. I'm no expert by any means, but as bobbycore said, burn more calories than you consume a day. That's the key. How do you know how much you're burning/consuming? You gotta count! Count how many calories do you get per day (be exact) and then substract 500 calories and build an eating program around that. Divide it into 5 or 6 meals a day to speed up your metabolism. Get rid of Fats and high processed foods and boost your protein intake. Junk food is a no no, of course. (but who wants to eat that crap anyways, right?). And then cardio. 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Depending on your goals, really. As bobbycore said, keep strenght training. Muscle burns fat! Simple enough. Doing that consistently will lead to a healthy weight and fat loss that you'll be able to keep off for good.
  4. I'm a skinny guy and struggle with fat on the same area. I think 0 sugars and refined carbs are a must and lots o' cardio as well. You seem to have a very healthy diet, though.
  5. How 'bout spinning? I know, not all gyms offer spinning classes. Mine does. And I love it, love it, love it. I'd do it 5 days a week if I could. It's very intense and I enjoy it a lot.
  6. I read that sticking with 1 gram of protein per pound of weight is a good idea. That's what I've been doing. At the first I thought it was too much... But then I got used to it. I get 6 meals (3 meals, 2 shakes and 1 protein bar). Which adds up to 160 grams of protein. What's funny is that the caloric intake is not much more (sometimes is even less!) than the usual kinda-low-on-protein-higher-in-carbs diet I used to have.
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