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Don't Have the Cow


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I thought of you when I read that news earlier. I said to myself "Well we already made cows to be sick because we can't get away from our sick mentality of eating them. Good Marcina she doesn't eat beef or anything".

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Aww I was thought of ^^


This is one of the arguments I use when people go apeshit on me for not eating meat. I don't have to worry about mad cow. Eating meat causes a lot of diseases, but mad cow is the most feared. Why more people don't give up meat is beyond me because we've been getting a lot of stuff like that lately. There was a pork recall a few months ago because it was contaminated, and that's I think, the third mad cow case we've had in the past 3 years or something like that?

Then there was a big bird flu problem over here about 5 or so years ago. Thousands of chickens were culled and discarded to control it.


I remember feeling so sad for the chickens.. I really should have gone veg sooner. I always felt compassion for these poor creatures being slaughtered. I had to see it before I really believed it I guess.

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I remember listening to CBC radio one day and the announcer said something like "... as smug as a vegetarian during a mad cow outbreak." and I thought to myself, yeah, yeah, I get a little smug.


I was going to ask "how can people still eat things they know are bad for them?" but in my own way, I'm just as guilty. I mean, vegan chocolate cake sweetened with barley malt, still has waaaay more calories than I need. Sure, it's better than the alternative but it's certainly not "good" for me.


I wonder what motivates us (humans) to make these bad choices?

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I wonder what motivates us (humans) to make these bad choices?


This video explains some of our behaviors.



I don't think it's a matter of motivation but to have a break from always trying to stay motivated.

Also we can be attracted to foods that are bad to our health just because we see the pleasure it provides us and forget for a moment the bad sides of it. We can live only for pleasures in life, but we can chose pleasures that have only good sides and no bad sides. It's all about habits, addictions, routines. Replace the pleasures that have negative sides like cigarettes or containing stimulants such as chocolate and coffee by pleasures that are only positive such as fruits, listening to your favorite music or simply enjoying silence or the relief that a meditation session can give to you and you're on your way to real happiness but it can be a long way. Fortunatly, happiness is not only the goal of life but also the way/path itself and people tend to forget it. We remember the pleasure, satisfaction, secure and confort feeling a piece of chocolate can provide so we want some in certain moments, when experiencing happy feelings, sad feelings or just boredom. Stress can have effects on making certain choices too.

The choices we make are determined by our priorities in life. Some people say to themselves : "we're on this planet for a short time so better not deprive and restrict myself from anything I want and may desire, so I'll drink that beer and wine and eat chocolate and chips as much as I want". But those persons, while they don't know it, could be much happier while living a completly different way of living like in a zen monastery for 20 years, if they could just stop for a moment the kind of life they always lived. Do we only want to search for small pleasures one after the other or do we want to find true and constant happiness. Lots of people are running in all directions in search of happiness, each according to their own idea of what happiness is, some people search more awkwardly than others while some seem to be born with it and keep smiley and positive no matter how bad tragedies they pass through.

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"we're on this planet for a short time so better not deprive and restrict myself from anything I want and may desire, so I'll drink that beer and wine and eat chocolate and chips as much as I want"


I think I'd be happier if I wasn't fat and drunk lul


I'm good as long as I get chocolate once a month. That's all I ask.

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